Favourite Recipe

Mac ‘N’ Cheese ‘N’ More

Making and Sharing Reflection

While making this recipe, I had to use a wide variety of equipment. I cooked my pasta in a large pot and used a chef knife to cut my vegetables. I also used many methods and skills which helped me to be successful during this lab. I used a chef knife to mince the onions for my cheese sauce and to cut mushrooms and broccoli. For this recipe, I also made a roux, which has equal parts of flour and fat. Combining that mixture with milk made it into a delicious cheese sauce. A strategy I used to make my sauce creamy was to mix it constantly while pouring the milk into the roux. Another skill I used was time management. My partner and I had to use this skill because we had to cook pasta, make cheese sauce and cook our vegetables, all in a short period of time. Something I learned while cooking this recipe was about the term ‘Al Dente’. This term refers to the texture of the pasta, and means “tender to the tooth.”

After finishing this recipe, I decided to share it with my parents. I told them about the steps I took to complete the recipe, and brought some home so they would be able to try it. To add to the taste of this recipe, my partner and I decided to add extra vegetables. We decided to add mushrooms and broccoli because we both believed that the combination would taste good in the cheese sauce.

Core Competency Reflection

Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen when I have a discussion with my partner and group members about what tasks need to be done and who can do them, before beginning the lab.

When I need to work collaboratively with people I don’t know well, I have a conversation with them about the lab and all the tasks we need to complete.

Some things I think about before dividing tasks among group members include who is available to do a certain task and also who wants to do the task.

Goal: I ask and respond to simple, direct questions

A goal I have for myself is to participate more in class discussions and during lab demos. I will do this by making sure to raise my hand if I think I know the answer.

Graphing a Parabola

My equation is y= 4(x-1)2 -6

Red parabola: y= 4(x-1)2 -6 Blue parabola: y= x2

The Significance of the Elements of a Parabola

In the equation of a parabola “a” is significant because it affects if the parabola opens upwards or downwards and also if it is narrow or thick. In my parabola, the “a” value is positive four which makes the parabola open upwards and causes it to be narrow because four is a larger number. In a parabola equation, the “h” value is significant because it causes a horizontal shift, determining how far to the left or right the parabola is. For my parabola, the “h” value is negative one which causes the parabola to move one space to the right.  Lastly, the “k” value in a parabola equation is significant because it causes a vertical shift if the parabola, moving it upwards or downwards. My parabolas “k” value is negative six, which makes it shift downwards six spaces.


In this assignment, I represented the same mathematical equation in three different ways. I did this by writing out the equation, showing what the equation looks like on a graph and in words when I explained how the various parts were significant to the appearance of the equation. An example from this assignment where I used mathematical vocabulary is when I explained how the variables a, h and k affected my parabola and how they made the parabola different from the original equation. An example from this assignment where I used formatting to share information in a organized way is how I utilized headings and colour coding to clearly separate different ideas. I also adjusted the sizing of the graph to ensure that the whole graph can be easily viewed at once.

English 10 Core Competency Self-Assessment

Communication through a Character Exercise

My Artifact: A Character Study Poster

I demonstrated communication and collaboration through a character study poster we did in my English class. For this assignment, we were tasked with analyzing a character from To Kill a Mockingbird in small groups, and then we filled out a poster with all of the information that we found. During this project, I communicated ideas with my partner, I took on roles for completing the assignment and I wrote down all my ideas. This demonstrates communication because I spoke with my partner and was able to share my ideas and also listen to theirs in a respectful way. This also shows collaboration because I was able to take equal responsibility while completing the assignment. I demonstrated the statement “I can ask and respond to questions to be an active, supportive listener.” I demonstrated this when I was unsure about a certain part of the assignment, so I had a conversation with my partner and gave them my full attention when they were speaking.

My Utopian City: Fantasy City

This City was designed by Ella, Ashavri, and myself

Nature– living in a city where nature is everywhere would be the best. Having to get out of your house and smell the fresh trees and to breathe the fresh air every day. Wildlife animals wondering around, beautiful scenery and going on a walk through the forest. We showed this is in our, city by placing trees as a forest in the background.

Sense of community/ secure environment – living in a secure environment with a great community would be ideal. Nowhere in this city will there be harm. Leaving your house without fearing anything happening to you. Stress, harm free environment, only happiness in this city.

Relationships– Building a good relationship with the community. The community you live in, is your second family. You rely on one another and support each other which creates a stronger bond and happier environment. We believe that if your relationships within your community will make everything happier. Whether its walking down the street. You can see your neighbours without being complete strangers. In our city, we added some people getting along together.

Adventure– adventure is the one of the many things that can make the world fun.

Happiness– our city everyone is happy and filled with joy. This city represents happiness and all anyone wants to do is just be successful throughout their life. Our city does not give any negative vibes only positive ones.

Kindness– In our city, everyone is there for each other and no one feels left out. Everyone feels safe and not judged for who they are. Our city is a city that anyone would want to live in

Communication Reflection

This project was about working together as a group to come up with a design for our perfect city. Our ideal city would reflect some of our core values which are a sense of community, kindness, relationships, and being surrounded by nature. When we first met as a group, we brainstormed ideas and discussed what values we wanted to showcase in our city.  I think we worked pretty well as a group however in the beginning, we had some challenges. We were conflicted as to what program we wanted to use to construct our city, and which values we wanted to incorporate. After a bit of discussion, we chose our values and decided we wanted to design the city using City Creator. My task for this assignment was to digitally create the city keeping in mind my groups values. I found this program pretty easy to use except there was not as many objects to choose from as I would have liked. In the end I was quite satisfied with the final product and I really liked how it turned out. I think if I were to do this assignment again, I would have used a different program. I would have only made this change because there were very limited options, and it did not allow me to make the city as detailed as I would have liked. All things considered I am very proud with how our city turned out and the process that got us there.