Introductory Spanish Core Competency Reflection


For this assignment, we were tasked with creating a conversation in Spanish with a partner. We were supposed to use vocabulary words and phrases that we have learned all throughout the course, to create our conversation.

Core Competency Reflection

I work with others to achieve a goal

I demonstrated this core competency while completing this assignment by working with my partner to put together our conversation. We discussed what we wanted the topic of the conversation to be and shared ideas on what sentences we should write. We made sure to take extra time to put together a conversation we were both proud of.

I take on roles and responsibilities in a group; I do my share

I demonstrated this because once my partner and I were done discussing our ideas, we talked and split up who was going to write which parts of the conversation. We also did this by evenly dividing all of the sentences, so each person was saying an equal amount.

I ask and respond to questions to be an active, supportive listener

I demonstrated this when I asked my partner questions when I was unsure about something. I asked questions about how to write certain sentences or about the meanings of words that I didn’t know. I also tried my best to respond to any of my partners questions and help them in any way that I could.

I give, receive, and act on feedback to progress in my goals

I demonstrated this core competency when my partner and I asked our teacher for feedback on our script. We listened to what he thought, and made changes to the conversation to help improve it. I also demonstrated this when I asked my partner about sentences that I wrote. I listened to their opinions and made adjustments to the sentence to make it sound better.