Mexican Rice

For my favourite lab so far we made some delicious Mexican rice! This lab was inspired by our guest chef from LaSelle College, who demoed the rice the day before we made it. This dish was full of so many flavours and fresh ingredients, which made it so amazing to eat. This dish is meant to be super flavourful and have “layers” of flavours, so the biggest challenge for me was to make sure I could bring all those flavours out. A super important step is to “season to taste” multiple times during the lab, to make sure you aren’t missing any flavours and that the flavours coming through. This dish was something super different from everything we’ve made before as it was a super cultural dish, using new flavours and ingredients from our other labs. I absolutely loved this dish, as the ingredients were so fresh and all the delicious flavours made it so enjoyable to eat and because of that I rated it 5/5 stars! I have made this dish 2 times for my family and they loved it as well. Something amazing about this dish is the fact that it is so balanced, with beans for your meat and alternatives, rice for grains and multiple vegetables. This makes a perfect lunch or dinner food, especially when having company over!


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