Mac and Cheese

On Oct. 21st I did a makeup lab for Mac and cheese. This Mac and cheese tasted so rich and creamy with the old cheddar cheese. I started by washing my hands and then getting out all of my equipment + ingredients. I brought a large pot of water to a rolling boil on high, when it was boiling I added in the pasta and then stirred it occasionally for 7-9 minutes until the pasta was cooked. While the pasta was cooking I grated old cheddar cheese and finely diced and then sautéed onions in a cast iron pan. I then added flour, salt, pepper, mustard and hot sauce into the pot and cooked that for about 2 minutes. After that I added in the milk and whisked it all together consistently so that the sauce would thicken, this was somewhat of a struggle because it took a while for the sauce to thicken all together. I turned the heat down to low and then added in the cheddar cheese and stirred it until it melted into the sauce, finally I added in the pasta and stirred everything together. I decided to let the pasta cool for a bit while I washed and dried my dishes. The Mac and cheese was so thick and creamy with a velvety texture, it tasted amazing so I would for sure make this recipe again. I would give it a 6/10 on nutrition because it is healthier then a pasta you would order from a restaurant and it has real cheese opposed to Kraft dinner.


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