Thai Curry Soup

Today in foods class we made Thai curry soup. We cut all of our veggies up and started to cook our rice for about 20 minutes. We then heated up a cast iron pan on medium heat and cooked our chicken, when the chicken had finished cooking we started to sauté the onions, garlic, and lemongrass. Once that had been cooking for a bit we added in our cut up sweet potato and later red peppers. When the rice had finished cooking we removed it from the heat as well and put it next to the chicken (which was on a plate) We added our curry paste into the veggie mixture and then we added our chicken broth. Once the potatoes were halfway cooked we added half a can of coconut milk in and brought everything up to a simmer, while we consistently stirred. We made sure to wash our dishes along the way, so we didn’t have to clean everything at the very end. We turned back down the heat and then let it finish cooking. We then added in our chicken and cooked it all together for about 2 minutes. We put the rice into 2 bowls and then poured the Thai curry soup overtop. This soup wasn’t as spicy as I expected it to be, I typically don’t like curry but I actually thought this was pretty good. This was my first time making curry so I learned a lot along the process of making it. The curry turned out to be pretty mild in spice, it was also so pretty because it was quite colourful. I would give this a 9/10 for nutrition because it includes all the food groups!


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