Physical Geography Core Competency Self-Assessment


For my Core Competency I have chosen “communication” because I feel that this project was all about communication. During this project I felt that using communication was key; when working on my project I had to communicate to Ms. Razzell when I was unclear on a question or if my information was useful in that sub category. This project was also a group project so my partner and I had to communicate throughout the who process. When we where researching if one where to find the particularly good video or website we would make sure to tell each other just encase the page had information the other needed. If we where to find information that we thought would benefit the other we would ensure to share it with each other a and post the website just to make sure we are sharing and developing ideas. I think that this core competency was a key aspect of this project because we had to pick a country for move4manna then communicate to the class why we think our country should receive these food packages. My partner and I also worked together to educate the class on why DRC was in desperate needs of the food packages and how we needed to communicate to the move4mann committee that even through Canada has helped then they still need help and we could help them.

Ethical judgement

My partner and I both developed our ethical judgment skills during this project because we had to used ethical judgment throughout our whole project. We had to comb through information on the biggest and latest natural disasters and use our judgment to determine what was the most detrimental and what the class needed to hear about. We couldn’t choose lightly we had to ensure all our information was correct and that it would help the country. To ensure all information was helpful and relevant we used ethical judgment to edit our project. In the future I would zoon more in on the ethical impact of the kids. During our project we really focused on natural hazards, food, government and war aspects and just brushed off the the children’s aspect. I feel if we focused in on the children’s aspect we DRC would have received the move4manna food packets. In our project we didn’t really consider the social economic aspect for the DRC.I feel like in the future this is the area we could most definitely improve on. For the most part I believe we included all the other aspects.

Physical Geography Core Competency Self-Assessment

Creative Thinking

During the project “Island Trip Project” I was able to actively display the core competency of creative thinking. For this project we had to creatively make our own topographic map of an island and make creative places on it. I harnessed my creativity when I drew out my island and while I took the time to name out all aspects of my city and all the peaks of my mountains. During this project I developed my creativity skills by looking up topographic maps online and critically think how I could improve my map from a creative stand point.

social justice core competency self reflection


during the project “60s scoop gallery walk focus” I used collaboration to complete the assignment. During the duration of this assignment my partner I collaborated on many things, after we assigned who would do what and how we should show the class our work. After we establish that we collaborated again on how we should showcase our findings and after we came to the conclusions to use a pamphlet layout and we began to fill it out. As we went on we solved problems together and figured everything out as one. This is a significant core competency because it shows people how to collaboratively work together and give you skill you could use in the work place later in life.