Most Challenging Foods Lab

My most challenging foods lab was probably the cupcake lab. My partner and I accidentally added the wrong ingredients together and had to restart and grab half of our ingredients again so we could do it properly. The lab went smoothly after that but that was definitely a setback because we both felt bad as we had to pour half our ingredients out so we could do the lab the way we should have done it in the beginning. I’m glad that we were able to overcome that challenge because we ended up making some good cupcakes that baked to the perfect consistency, they tasted very good and I am proud of the fact that we finished on time despite our setback in the beginning.

Favorite Foods Lab

My favorite foods lab was when my group and I made our own mac and cheese. We made a baked mac and cheese with spinach mixed in with the mac and cheese, we topped it with bacon and green onions and made a Caesar salad for the side. The dish had a warm smell of cheese with a tiny bacon smell mixed in, the cheese sauce was creamy while the breadcrumbs on top made it crunchy in some spots. The taste of the bacon mixed with the taste of the cheese sauce went together nicely and left a savory taste in your mouth. A challenge we encountered was not having enough time to properly bake the mac and cheese so the breadcrumbs on top didn’t cook all the way. We were unable to overcome this challenge but the taste of the dish was good nonetheless. My greatest success in this lab was that my group and I worked well together and made a great tasting dish. I am proud that we thought to make a salad and that I managed to get all the ingredients that we needed for it because the salad went very nicely with the mac and cheese.

Breakfast Home Lab

For my breakfast home lab I decided to make pancakes with a home made strawberry jam as the topping, with a glass of milk on the side. The pancakes were golden brown and they had a sweet strawberry taste to them that clashed nicely with the fluffy dough of the pancakes. The jam was sticky so washing it down with the milk was refreshing as it got rid of the sticky feeling the jam left in your mouth. The aroma of the sweet jam on the warm pancakes filled the kitchen and left a nice smell in the room. I chose to make this breakfast because it seemed the easiest to make and I had very little ingredients to work with. A challenge I encountered was having little to no ingredients that I could use to fully follow the criteria, I overcame this by using what I could which was a home made jam and a glass of milk to get close to what needed to be done. My greatest success in this dish was being it still tasting good despite my limited ingredients. I am proud of the fact that I was able to overcome my challenge that I encountered whilst making this breakfast. My dad and mom both tried this dish, they said it was good and that they liked the taste of the jam with the pancakes.