IDS Inquiry Reflection

The inquiry question I thought of was, “What causes us to hear music differently?” I believe the topic was too specific but I’m not necessarily going to change the question yet. I still feel I can do more with the question so I’m going to research and try to create more subtopics to expand my project. My time management has been great. I’ve used every cent time and filled my weekly log frequently, there will be some cent times when I won’t be able to work on my project since I’ll have to collaborate with my leadership group for upcoming events; I will find time within my week to work on IDS. The main resources I’m using is online specifically YouTube videos and websites which I have linked on my OneNote. Some challenges I’ve been facing is feeling like there’s not much more I can do with my project, to overcome this problem I will need to brainstorm new ideas on how I can expand my project. A core competency that’s grown through this project is thinking, I have to do a lot of research which I use to interpret into my project and question. I’ve been sharing my research and learning through a PowerPoint I’ve made, the photo above shows some slides I’ve finished. My project will most likely be finished by May and ready to present, I might make another side project to further my research that I may not present. I’m not sure if I’ll continue my Inquiry for Capstone next year since it would be more exciting to do a topic that is new, but it’s definitely an option.


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