Natural Selection Critical Thinking Self-Assessment

This is a photo of each feeding adaption fighting to get the most food (spaghetti) to fill in their cups (stomach)

In the Feeding Frenzy lab we were all assigned different feeding adaptations that included a spoon, broken chopsticks, a knife, etc. (I was given the broken chopsticks). I collected the data by recording how successful each feeding adaption was by how full each cup (stomach) got and did that for every environment (spaghetti, rice, puffed wheat, and sugar). Participating in this lab I worked on my creative thinking since I had to think of different innovative ways that could fill my cup the fastest. I also improved my critical thinking skills, I demonstrated that I can connect evidence when I analyzed the data and found that the spoon was the best fit for every environment since it had collected the most amount of food out of all the other adaptions. In my lab writeup I made predictions on what would happen if this scenario was a reality, since the spoon has the favorable trait of collecting more food at a time it will thrive, and will be able to reproduce to pass on its genes. I further explained my reasoning by using Darwin’s theories of struggle for existence, and survival of the fittest, concluding that over time most of the population will only include spoons since they have more chance to survive than the others. Overall, this lab was a fun and interesting way to learn about natural selection while also working on my critical thinking skills.


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