Core Competency Self-Assessment

Pig Dissection Lab

Pictures above show the pig and what we dissected

The pig dissection involved us to open up the ventral side of the pig and opening the jaw, we had to name and identify organs on the pig, and determine the sex by using external features. Doing the pig dissection lab I used all the core competencies, thinking, communication, and personal social. In thinking, I had to analyze by knowing where specific parts of the pig were and demonstrating my understanding on the functions. This lab we worked in partners, I worked on communication by collaborating with my lab partner, we discussed the best method to dissect, identify parts, and cleaning up. I can work with others to achieve a goal, my partner was absent for one of the lab days, in order to not stay behind we were able to take out the digestive tract and measure it out during a flex block. Relating to personal social I take pride in my work and myself, my partner and I were able to complete the oral exam in our first try we were extremely proud of ourselves and it gave us a confidence to keep on going. Overall, I learned many skills in this lab, it was hard and got me out of my comfort zone however, at the end rewarding.


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