Arts and Crafts 12

I can contribute to and use simple criteria In this sock monkey assignment I had to use the criteria given to me and use it to make this sock monkey. I did meet all the criteria but I also wanted to add more above the criteria therefore, I embroidered a mouth and ear detail.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

Communicating and Collaborating Leadership Quality: One leadership quality that I have is organization, in Cent Helping Youth it is important to stay organized so everyone is aware with what is going on and can keep track. Specifically I help organize our Instagram posts topics and our meetings/documents that we need to keep safe. That way […]

Core Competency Goals

Get more involved with the school, join clubs, volunteer, and talk with my teachers and peers more. (Personal/Social) Maintain healthy study habits by taking breaks, asking questions when needed, and finding different ways to understand and expand my learning. (Personal Awareness and Responsibility) Try not to stress too much and not get overwhelmed. Plan out/make […]

About Me

My Bio My name is Kiran My best courses are Arts and Crafts, my most challenging courses are Science. I learn my best by asking questions and fixing my mistakes. My Favourite Website This is my favourite website because I can learn many things on this website. YouTube has so many different creators and […]