About Me

My Bio

Hi! I’m Kysha! I am in Grade 9. I like spending time with my friends and family. I like watching Netflix and YouTube. I like to sing, in my room or with my friends usually because anywhere else I get embarrassed. I like to draw or paint. I like playing games with my friends, games like Minecraft, Among Us or COD. When I am having difficulty with something, I usually sleep, listen to music or eat something . Some of my favourite foods are sushi, ramen, filipino food, chinese food and a lot more.  

My Favourite Website


My favourite website is tiktok because I’m positive I spend the most time out of my day on it because it makes me smile, cry, laugh, learn new things, etc. It’s like Instagram I guess, but way better in my opinion. :))) They are mostly 15 second videos or 60 seconds which is the maximum. I love watching the different categories that tiktok can be on.  It can be on fashion tiktok, animal tiktok, dance tiktok… There’s a lot of them that i can’t name right now.

My Favourite Video

I chose this video because I always want to learn the ukulele but I never have the commitment to do it. Whenever I try to learn, I start with learning the chords and I just give up the next day. So my goal is to commit to learning my goal.

My Favourite Image

I chose this image because this is Iroh from Avatar the Last Airbender. He is one of my favourite characters from the show because he is kind, smart, funny, wise and has a really big interest in tea.


My Favourite Quote

“It’s easy to do nothing, it’s hard to forgive.”

– Avatar Aang (The Last Air Airbender)

This quote is meaningful to me because for me it truly is hard to forgive something or someone especially for me because I have trust issues and it’s and for me to get past things because I always think about things. When I have a day where I am done with everything like homework, I could do nothing if I wanted to but I wouldn’t because I would choose to go on my phone or do other things than doing nothing.







29. September 2020 by Kysha
Categories: Uncategorized | Leave a comment

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