Skillet Cookie

This is the final thing I will be making for foods 12, it makes me sad. Looking through all my blogs with my parents and seeing all the time and effort I put into these blogs and everything I made, my progress through the semester even though I took foods twice before, I still improved and I will always work on my skills to make the best they can be. I started to follow a recipe for this dish but I stopped because the pan was too small and I didn’t have all the right ingredients and I’m really glad I finished off with this recipe because I had to use all my skills to decide measurements to do, I added marshmallows, semi sweet chocolate chips, I didn’t have brown sugar so I added granulated sugar and brown granulated sugar. I found out that brown sugar and brown granulated sugar have some things in common but they cab react very different in how they act and react. White sugar is purely sweet but brown sugar is a bit acidic with all the complexity that the molasses adds. There was also eggs and vanilla and stuff you usually use in a cookie. I only could eat about a quarter if that because it was so sweet but I added some ice cream and it tasted so sweet and rich, I loved it!


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