1.1 Factoring x2 + bx + c

x2 + bx + c is a polynomial that can be factored using various methods.

In math 10, you learned how to factor…

  1. By factoring our the GCF
  2. Bottoms up method (the ac method)
  3. FOIL
  4. Decomposition
  5. The grouping method
  6. Perfect Square trinomial
  7. Difference of Squares trinominal

Here is a quick summary of the steps you should take in order to factor successfully…

  1. Arrange the trinomial in descending (decreasing in power) order.
  2. When the last term (c) is positive, the factors of c are both positive, or both negative. If the middle term (b), is positive, both factors are positive. If the middle term is negative, both factors are negative.
  3. When the last term (c), is negative, the factors of c have opposite signs. The sign of the larger values is also the sign of the coefficient of the middle term.
  4. Keep in eye on opportunities where you can apply the special factoring rules, such as the perfect square and difference of squares trinomial.

The following are super helpful videos on each topic covered in section 1.1…

How to Factor Using the GCF

How to Factor Using Perfect Squares

How to Factor Using Difference of Squares

Here are some videos that will definitely help you with your homework questions from your workbook!

1. Give examples of b so that the following trinomials can be factored

2. Factoring polynomials with fractions

3. Factoring polynomials with more than 1 variable

If you have any questions, feel free to leave them in the comment box down below!


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