1.5: Orders of Operations

B Brackets

E Exponents

D Division

M Multiplication

A Addition

S Subtraction

  • Brackets are the top priority for order of operations. If there are bigger brackets around another set of brackets, work from inside out
  • Exponents are below brackets. If there are no brackets, do exponents first, and if there are brackets, do the brackets first and then the exponents
  • Division AND Multiplication comes after exponents. If you see division and multiplication problems, there is no order for which one to come first. You can do multiplication first OR division. You will end up with the same answer.
  • Addition AND Subtraction has the lowest priority. Just like Division and Multiplication, it doesn’t matter if you do addition first or subtraction. You will end up with the same answer.

Ex. 3×4+50÷5{5(5-3)}-82

  1. Start by solving the brackets within the bigger brackets


2. solve the equation inside of the bigger brackets


3. solve the exponent


4. you can choose whether to solve 3×4, 20÷5, or 5{10} (I chose to solve 5{10} and 3×4 first


5. solve the division


6. you can choose either to solve the addition OR subtraction first (I did addition first)


7. final step is to solve the remaining question

13-64= -51

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