The Importance of Feedback

My Logo

Reflection on competencies and content

Feedback was an effective way for me to improve my work, especially with the logos. When we used the T.A.G. format in class, I was able to show my logo to the class. Receiving questions and suggestions on how I can make my work better was very useful. I was told that the font was too small on my logo was too small, and people were having trouble reading it. after I was told this and fixed it, it helped me realize how much better my work looked with the larger font. Giving feedback is also effective, as it helped me see mistakes that other people made that I could have also made, and being able to fix them while still helping others.

Core Competency Reflection

I can represent my learning and tell how it connects to my experiences.

I chose this competency because I think I have been able to show my work well through my visuals like logos as well as my writing.

I can encourage others to share their voices and value diverse perspectives.

I think that I need to work on being able to encourage my classmates more and value their opinions. I usually will ignore others opinions, but I think that I should pay more attention to what others have to say.


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