Revolution Timeline


I thought that I was able to identify the problem well. I just found a problem that happens with electromagnets and thought of a way to solve it. I did think about how i wanted it to look, i wanted it bigger and stronger. I was able to think of the future and how it would be more useful. I was satisfied with my project. For next time I would take more time researching.

My Digital Footprint

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When I looked up my name online, I could not find 1 photo or website that had me on it. I also have a last name that lots of people have, and a pretty popular first name. I use Instagram and snapchat and I have both accounts private, because I don’t want people I don’t know to see pictures of me.

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Your digital footprint could affect all sorts of things in your life. Jobs and universities you apply to can look you up and find pictures of you and if you have a bad digital footprint, they will probably not take you.

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Also, the things that you post online can be seen by all of your family and friends, and if you post something inappropriate or illegal, the people that care about you and they might feel a different way about you after it.

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You can keep your digital footprint clean by keeping all of your social media accounts on private, so that you can choose who sees your picture and things you post. You should also only post things that you would show to your parents, or your grandparents. So posting inappropriate pictures or words to the internet is not a good thing because important people to you can see it. You should always make sure that other people do not post things of you that you would not post of you. Do this by not being in any inappropriate pictures that people are going to take. Even if your friends are doing it, you don’t have to because it could eventually get you in trouble.

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I would suggest to others that want to keep their digital footprint clean, to keep your identity and photos private, so you can control the people that see your posts. Also to never post inappropriate things, because that could not only effect you now, but it could effect your entire future.

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Speech Unit Reflection

I learned lots of things during my speech but the main thing I would use again is citation machine. It made citing my work very easy and efficient. I mainly used google and websites during my research because I could find what I needed quickly and the information was from reliable websites. For next time i would focus on my grammar and making sure that I’m putting capital letters in the right spots. Also, I could have had stronger research and spent more time on it.

Matthew’s Self-Portrait


I think my representation of my photo collage is innovative because I centered the picture of myself in the middle of the basketball and put the things that I like and that are important to me around it. My ideas for making my collage look like this was because I love basketball and its my favourite sport, so I wanted to center it around that. The basketball is already divided into 8 sections, so I just put the pictures in each individual section and put the picture of myself in the middle. Also, the background is a picture of an outdoor basketball court, so it made sense. I liked how it turned out. I enjoyed how it looks like everything is surrounding me, so all of the pictures represent me. For next time I think I would try to put more detail and more pictures. I have learned that I can make something nice if I have an idea and if I have something to pull from, like taking different elements from the examples and using them in this.

Self-Profile Writing:

 My hobbies are playing videogames and playing basketball. I like to play NBA 2K. NBA 2K is a franchise of basketball video games where you can play as all 30 NBA teams from present time and different eras. It is very fun. Basketball is my favourite sport. I love to watch it, and my favourite team to watch Is the Toronto raptors. I started watching them a couple years ago, and my favourite player on the team was Demar Derozan. He was the star player on the raptors but then he got traded to the San Antonio Spurs. I like him because of how he plays, and I model how I play after him. 

I spend a lot of my time playing basketball, especially in the summer. Also in the summer my uncle gave me a job to walk his 2 dogs. I had to do it about 10 times, and I had to take the bus to his house in New West Minster. 

My family likes to travel and we’ve been to all sorts of places like Quebec, Ontario, Alberta, Washington, Oregon, Alaska, the Caribbean, California, Hawaii, and Mexico. They have all been very fun vacations, but I think the best vacation I’ve been on was to the Caribbean because of the beaches. They had bright blue water and white sand.  

I have lots of important people in my life like my mom, dad, sister, and all of my family and friends. They are always there for me and are fun to be around. Also, my coaches. They have helped me develop my game and made my handles, shooting, confidence, and basketball IQ way better than what is was before.