Anatomy and Physiology 12 Diffusion Lab Core Competency

Communication and thinking

In this lab I used communication by talking through questions and discussing with my lab partners. I communicated my ideas and reflected my thinking by analyzing the results of the lab and reflecting what I thought caused the results. although there were some sources of error in our experiment (the blue leaking), we were still able to figure out the answers to the questions with the data we had. Communicating with my lab partners was necessary for assigning roles during the lab and being able to get different perspectives and data in the lab.

Facing a Challenge

The first time I tried this problem I found it challenging because moving the terms across the equal sign was making me lose track of where each term was and the little mistakes while I was moving the terms was changing my final answer. The first time I tried this problem factored out the negative which led to me getting one of my factors of x=-1, but I then learned that since 0/-1 = 0, -1 cannot be a factor of x. I asked Ms. Lam for help as well as using the app Photomath to help me with the steps. I used factoring squaring, square rooting, solving for x, combining like terms, and restrictions to solve this problem. Next time I encounter a difficult problem, I might try to go through the steps carefully and check my notes to help me solve the problem. I can also consult one of my peers or Ms. Lam to help me, as well as our class tutor Willam.

My Digital Footprint

See the source image

When I looked up my name online, I could not find 1 photo or website that had me on it. I also have a last name that lots of people have, and a pretty popular first name. I use Instagram and snapchat and I have both accounts private, because I don’t want people I don’t know to see pictures of me.

See the source image

Your digital footprint could affect all sorts of things in your life. Jobs and universities you apply to can look you up and find pictures of you and if you have a bad digital footprint, they will probably not take you.

See the source image

Also, the things that you post online can be seen by all of your family and friends, and if you post something inappropriate or illegal, the people that care about you and they might feel a different way about you after it.

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You can keep your digital footprint clean by keeping all of your social media accounts on private, so that you can choose who sees your picture and things you post. You should also only post things that you would show to your parents, or your grandparents. So posting inappropriate pictures or words to the internet is not a good thing because important people to you can see it. You should always make sure that other people do not post things of you that you would not post of you. Do this by not being in any inappropriate pictures that people are going to take. Even if your friends are doing it, you don’t have to because it could eventually get you in trouble.

See the source image

I would suggest to others that want to keep their digital footprint clean, to keep your identity and photos private, so you can control the people that see your posts. Also to never post inappropriate things, because that could not only effect you now, but it could effect your entire future.

See the source image

My Favorite Quote

“The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team.”
Phil Jackson

This is my favorite quote because I play basketball and this is a quote from a hall of fame basketball coach Phil Jackson, who coached very famous teams like the Chicago Bulls and the Los Angeles Lakers. I like this quote because it shows how each player on a team is important in a way and each player has a role. Also that the team sould always have each others backs.

The History of My Birthday

january 20

1942: Nazi officials meet in the Berlin suburb of Wannsee to decide the “Final Solution of the Jewish Question.”

1945: Franklin D. Roosevelt is inaugurated for his fourth term.

1977: President Jimmy Carter is sworn in and then surprises the nation as he walks from the U.S. Capitol to the White House.

My Favorite YouTube Clip

This is a clip of Kawhi Leonard making a crazy buzzer beating game winning shot at the end of game 7 of the second round of the NBA playoffs versus the Philadelphia 76ers. I love this video because I was watching the game at my house and the raptors are my favorite team, and it was very suspenseful watching this game. The best part was how the ball bounce around the rim a bunch of times and then went in. Also, Kawhi Leonard usually doesn’t show very much emotion, so it was crazy when he was celebrating.