Pre-Calculus 11 Core Competency Self-Assessment

Core Competency Reflection

For my first topic I chose working collaboratively with others. We worked in groups a lot in this class. Working in groups benefited me as we were able to use our combined skillsets to answer questions. I was better at certain concepts than my group members and vice versa, so working with each other helped us learn all the concepts and see the questions being answered in different ways. Group work also worked well for me as I like to take the lead when it comes to the whiteboard, and my other group members liked to watch and not do as much writing. Collaborating with classmates is what I found found fun about the class as I was able to do work and also talk to friends in my group and get to know them better.

My second topic is committing to individual practice. As there was lots of assigned workbook questions in this class, keeping up on the homework was necessary to be able to fully understand the material. I thought I did a decent job this semester being able to use my time wisely for completing the homework. Sometimes it was hard to focus and outside distractions or other homework I thought was more important would get in the way of me completing my math. Although these things did take away from me reaching my full potential as a math student, I do think I improved in my individual practice.

Advice for Future Students

Some advice I would give someone coming into this class in September is to not be late to class. Ms. Lam starts the lesson right on time at 9:00 am, so getting to class on time is important. one more piece of advice is to finish all of the workbook questions assigned, as getting the most practice you can will help you stay prepared for the quizzes and tests.

Anatomy and Physiology 12 Diffusion Lab Core Competency

Communication and thinking

In this lab I used communication by talking through questions and discussing with my lab partners. I communicated my ideas and reflected my thinking by analyzing the results of the lab and reflecting what I thought caused the results. although there were some sources of error in our experiment (the blue leaking), we were still able to figure out the answers to the questions with the data we had. Communicating with my lab partners was necessary for assigning roles during the lab and being able to get different perspectives and data in the lab.

My Parabola

Parent Function (Red)

My Function (Blue)

Graph of Functions

The significance of “a” is that it controls how much the line curves, and it made the curve stretch from the parent function. It also flips the parabola to that it opens down. The significance of “h” is that it shifts the parabola 7 to the right. the significant of the “k” is that it shifts the parabola up 1.

1. Give an example from this assignment where you represented the same mathematical idea in multiple ways?

I represented the mathematical idea by displaying the equation, a picture of the graph, and by describing how the parabola changes.

2. Give an example from this assignment where you used mathematical vocabulary to demonstrate your understanding.

I used vocabulary like parabola, shift, and opens down to show my understanding of the function.

3. Give an example from this assignment where you used formatting to share the information in a clear and organized way.

I used formatting by making organized headings with each equation and used a large graph to display my information.

The Importance of Feedback

My Logo

Reflection on competencies and content

Feedback was an effective way for me to improve my work, especially with the logos. When we used the T.A.G. format in class, I was able to show my logo to the class. Receiving questions and suggestions on how I can make my work better was very useful. I was told that the font was too small on my logo was too small, and people were having trouble reading it. after I was told this and fixed it, it helped me realize how much better my work looked with the larger font. Giving feedback is also effective, as it helped me see mistakes that other people made that I could have also made, and being able to fix them while still helping others.

Core Competency Reflection

I can represent my learning and tell how it connects to my experiences.

I chose this competency because I think I have been able to show my work well through my visuals like logos as well as my writing.

I can encourage others to share their voices and value diverse perspectives.

I think that I need to work on being able to encourage my classmates more and value their opinions. I usually will ignore others opinions, but I think that I should pay more attention to what others have to say.