The Crucible

The Crucible 

To truly understand characters found in The Crucible and the motivation they have for their behaviours, one only has to look at Kohlberg’s moral precepts for explanation. The examples given below will show you how the characters follow pre-conventional, conventional, and post-conventional rules for their behaviour. 

There are many pre-conventional characters within The Crucible. Pre-conventional is when you behave in a certain way to avoid punishment and obtain rewards. The first character to show pre-conventionalism is Tituba. When she is asked to confess, Parris threatens to take her out and “whip [her] till [her] death” if she does not obey. There is an obvious punishment in this circumstance. Therefore, Tituba confesses to witchcraft, when she is innocent, to avoid punishment. Another example is Elizabeth Proctor. In her statement, “I think I must,” she is giving herself over to the police to be arrested for a crime she did not commit. She does this to save her husband and family. This is a reward for her because she gets to keep them safe and out of the harm’s way. The last character to base their decisions on reward is Abigail Williams. She explains that Mary Warrens “wings are spreading” when she is aware this is a false statement. When she does this, she gains the reward of the judges thinking that Mary is disrupting the court. This benefits Abby. As you can see from these examples, the listed characters based their decisions on avoiding punishment or profiting from their behaviours. 

Kohlberg’s second moral precept is conventionalism. To be conventional is to behave in a way to fit in to a group or be accepted. The first example of a conventional character is represented by a group, being the girls in the courtroom. Mary Warren expresses “Abby you mustn’t,” which is repeated by the girls and Abby to fool the courtroom into thinking Mary has them under a spell. By following what Abby orders, they fit in amongst the other girls and feel accepted, even though they are lying. The next character is Danforth. He believes “a person is either with the court or he must be counted against it.” When he says this, it is to fit in with the court and to be accepted. It also illustrates how important it is for him to encourage others to be part of the group. The last character to base their decisions on acceptance is John Proctor. All John Proctor has left is his name. When it is threatened to be taken away, he responds, “because it is my name.” This illustrates how he does not want to confess because he still wants to fit in with the rest of the town. In this moment, the right thing to do is coming after being accepted. As you can see, there are many examples of conventional behaviour throughout The Crucible. 

The final moral precept is post-conventional. This is to behave in a way following your own morals and values, ignoring external rewards or opinions. The first example of a post-conventional character is Giles Corey. He reacts by demanding “more weight” instead of giving in to others’ opinions. This statement shows how he refuses to give in to external sources, even while being tortured to say what they want to hear. He continues to follow his own values even to his last breath. Another character is John Proctor. He confesses to lechery, insisting that the court “see [Abby} what she is.” This goes against what everyone thinks and does not offer him a profit. However, he does what he strongly believes to be correct. The final character is Elizabeth Proctor. She is strongly religious, and a good Christian, however, when she expresses, “no, sir,” she lies for the first time to save her husband. This goes against what her religion holds to be dear, to do what she feels is right and just. These examples show some of the post-conventional characters in The Crucible. 

As you can see from the examples given above, if you follow Kohlberg’s moral precepts it is simple to understand the actions taken by those in The Crucible. There are many examples of pre-conventional, conventional, and post-conventional characters shown throughout the play. 

Musical Performance Reflection

Fall Music Concert

Curricular Competencies Reflection

What are some instrumental or performance techniques and musical skills you have shown success with through this chosen experience?

I have improved my directing and conducting skills with the vocal jazz group, as well as learning to conduct with a accompanist. This has helped me moving forward as we have had many TOCs and I had to be able to help out with class more. I have been able to direct much more clearly and easily after having this experience.

What are some skills and techniques you would like to improve on and how will you do that?

I would like to improve on how I manage myself at concerts, as I can get very stressed and overwhelmed very easily. I would also like to be able to help other students get the same opportunities that I do.

What are your plans for continuing with your music in the future?

I plan to go into music as a profession, hopefully as a music teacher. This is my big goal. As for in my current and last year or high school, I wish to keep building up teaching experience and helping others gain the love that I have as well.

Core Competencies Reflection

Critical/reflective thinking

Throughout the weeks leading up to the concert, we had a few TOCs and it was not ideal for preparing for a opening concert. I had to take a lead role at both the concert and preparing for it so that I could help the students in learning and preparing. I enjoyed this, but while it was fun it was also stressful. I had to take care of a class and be able to manage them by myself when we did not have a TOC called in and other times we had teachers that did not know music and it was just me teaching. I managed to overcome the challenge of this and I grew into the role over a few days of teaching the class.

Core Competency Goals

When I lead others, a common issue I have is dividing work among those I am working with. I tend to put most of the work on my own shoulders if no one else is willing to take it, or just not put enough thought into who should do the work. I want to fix this by communicating more on those tasks and not always accepting the leftover work, as I do this too often and it causes me to be overwhelmed.

I can lack standing up for myself and others, and I wish to improve this. I work well with others, though is someone tends to be pushy or controlling I lack the ability to help myself or others team members to get ideas in. In this scenario, I find myself falling back and finding a way to please the one person. I want to fix this by taking more initiative, and talking with those who are struggling to be heard. I do believe that if someone does not respect me I shouldn’t have to respect them, but if it can be avoided a fight is never necessary.

What can I get involved with? Is it too much? I always have wanted to help out as much as possible with things in my community, however I can also be found taking on too much volunteering, clubs, work, or leadership roles, and hurting my mental health in the process. However, through this year I want to continue to volunteer, work, and lead as much as possible, I am also learning to say no and manage my time to find days where I’m not running back and forth helping others. I want to take more time to help myself.

Social Awareness & Responsibility in Choir 11

In choir this year I have learnt how to deal with students and teachers in a way that I never have before. I got the amazing opportunity to teach grade 9s and 10s a song that I had put together and I got to work one on one with them and see them develop. Our final concert of the year, shown in this picture, was a huge milestone in learning to work with them and seeing all of their progress throughout the year. I will continue to move forward and use the skills I learnt while working with these students in my everyday life and hopefully as a teacher in the future.

Les Films

In French we worked on posters of a French version of a movie of our choosing. My group decided to do Catch Me If You Can. During this project I learned to use my french vocabulary from our current chapter in a way that you would see in the real world. I enjoyed this project because we got to use creativity and art while also incorporating our French in a way we will remember.

Mon Autobiographie

Le printemps

Il pleut beaucoup à Coquitlam. Il y a l’été, l’hiver, le printemps, et l’automne. J’aime le printemps beaucoup parce que il frais et joli. Au printemps, j’aime voyager. Cette année, je suis allée à Kamloops. J’aime aussi photographier les fleurs et les arbres.

Curricular Competency Reflection

While writing, I had to adjust my language in a way that I could translate and know the words in French. This made me limit the vocabulary that I would normally use in English. Being in French has helped me to gain understanding for others and their language learning struggles when learning English. I feel as though I was unable to express myself, and I understand how hard that can be for people that are new to English here in Canada.

Core Competency Reflection

Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen in my descriptions and use of adjectives. This got my point across and makes it paint a picture in your head.

In discussions and conversations, I help to build and extend understanding by helping others find words to use for their vocabulary in French. By helping others find more words, I also get to expand what I know.

When it seems the good ideas just won’t come to me, I look at references and other ideas to help calm myself or create space in my mind to imagine my own phrases and stories. By seeing other ideas and what they came up with, it helps me to realize that there isn’t so much to stress about and I can do it like they did.

I would like to come up with more of my own ideas when it comes to writing in French, as I fin often everything is very similar and simple. This would help me to also learn more!

Independent Novel Study Review

If I Did It

The Writing Process

During this report and presentation I learnt to take quotes from the book and turn them into a presentation about characters and the plot. I enjoyed this assignment as I love presenting and talking about books. While I was reading I found myself looking for more depth and details as I looked for what I wanted to add to my presentation. I wanted to overcome the difficulties that I saw others have while they were presenting, such as the class not knowing when they were saying quotes vs their own opinions, or following the exact boring script one after another. I did this by opening the book and reading quotes directly from the book and by starting with a quote to catch the attention of the class. I am proud of myself for overcoming these difficulties and finding a way to make my assignment unique.

Core Competency Reflection

When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I take deep breaths and focus on the good of the situation. I was slightly nervous before this presentation but I played with small toys or strings to keep my hands busy and relaxed while I focused on how what I’m presenting is what people care about, not me being up there. These minutes I take to do this throughout everyday life help me to relax and be myself, even when that seems impossible.

One strategy or activity that stimulates my imagination is making or listening to music. I have always found peace and joy in music, and it helps me to be more creative and think more in depth about the meaning. This process often leads me to inspiration and being happier.

I respectfully advocate for my needs by saying no or communicating what I am feeling to the people and teachers around me. I try to be aware of what I am feeling and I always try to work out what I need to continue at an acceptable speed and feel good about it.

I wish to improve on my feedback skills because I don’t always give feedback or I focus on feedback that I don’t know enough about, but this is something I am actively working on. I am doing this by looking for strong points while people present, show work, or comment on their school life, and realizing the weaknesses as well as the good when commenting on what they share.

Revolution Timeline


I was able find information about anesthesia really easily, but finding information about its problems and solutions was harder. There wasn’t much information online about what was wrong with it, unless you really dug deep. Before I came up with how my innovation was going to work in the future, I had to work really hard to think of a way to distribute anesthesia that isn’t already used. By doing that I figured out solutions to the problem that it had. Even though it took a while, I did end up liking my design and presentation. I would put more time into it though if i could redo it.

Digital Footprint

My digital footprint is almost, if not completely, positive. It includes a lot of dance videos as well as pictures and placings in competitions. I see these as positive because they can help in the future if I plan on becoming a dancer or dance instructor, and also show passion and ability to stick to something for long periods of time. It can definitely help with my application in the dance arts at SFU. 

 The videos of me dancing may contribute to the online community, and the awards and how well I did in competitions is a curated online presence. I wouldn’t change my digital footprint because I don’t see anything wrong with what I have up there right now. I feel it comes off strong and in a good way!