Edublog Response

I find that world view is a huge thing when it comes to the time of smallpox. Some would see it as a fault of the First Nations trading systems and traditions, while others blame solely the Europeans. I think it is quite interesting that two communities can have such drastic differences and sides to the same story. There is little the First Nations could have done to prevent this, same as the Europeans who were completely unaware this disease had travelled with them. There is never one correct answer, but always multiple views and opinions which create the world view we all have.

Innovation Station Industiral Revolution


The first problem that I Identified was the coal and gas being produced by trains, i think that battery powered and electronic trains have become much better for the enviroment, and they are becoming increasingly popular. I looked for a photo of what the future of trains look like, and worked from there by finding information on how the new trains will be, and worked backwards to when railroads and trains were invented. I was satisfied with the photos i used for my design, i think it portrays how new trains. Next time I think i would do something similar to what i did for this project.