Core Competence Self-Reflection: Pre-Calculus (collaboration)

This was an in-class question that my group worked on under unit 5, in which we explored topics like logarithmic functions. I can communicate by asking and answering questions to actively participate in the solving of this problem, therefore helping me become a better student. Also, I show my engagement in the group by consistently […]

Chemistry 12 Core Competency

For this Lab we produced a solution of oxalic acid to use it in an unknown concentration of sodium hydroxide solution to standardize it. As part of my personal awareness and responsibility I make sure that before starting the lab my partner and I are wearing goggles to help insure our safety, while during we […]

French 12 Cooking Show

For this project we had to create a cooking show using our French vocabulary and grammar points. Using the core competency of communicating, I can understand and share the information that I have learned during our lessons in a clear and organized way. I can represent my learning through making the script and speaking in […]

Chemistry 11 Core Competency Self Assessment

ThinkingCC During this lab we were able to explore the principles of chromatography paper, where the mixtures are separated according to the different solubility of the components in liquids, or their adsorption on solids. While performing the lab we had to analyze the paper and pigments, so that my lab partner and I could offer […]