Life Saving Measures

For the past 2 presentation about naloxone and CPR I have learned a lot about the overdosing and how to use a naloxone kit. during the naloxone presentation I learned many new things, that I had no clue even existed. another take away i had was how the needle doesn’t go into a vein it goes into their the shoulder, butt, or anything with lots of muscles. the biggest takeaway from the naloxone presentation was how the kit only works on Opioids. i really liked how they go around school educating kids on this problem as this is happening everywhere and just knowing this information can save lives one day. this has impacted my life as now i understand the struggles that people go through and can help instead of avoiding them.

Critical and Reflective Thinking Competency Reflection

I can analyze my own beliefs and consider views that do not fit with them.

I can do this when someone is disagreeing with me about my views or beliefs, i can take a step back and hear the other person out then consider what my options are. Instead of disagreeing with them try to deescalate the situation.