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English 12 Crucible Essay

This essay explores the play “The Crucible” by Arthur Miller, focusing on characters who portray puzzling behavior. This behavior can be described and understood by using Kohlberg’s concepts to analyze their actions. Kohlberg categorizes behavior into different descriptions that influence people to act in a particular way. Specifically, Kohlberg’s three categories are pre-conventional behavior, conventional behavior, and finally post-conventional behavior. Understanding these categories helps readers better grasp the idea of why the characters would act in such an unclear performance.  

To begin There are pre conventional characters within the crucible. Pre conventional is when a character acts in a manner to avoid punishment or receive a reward. The first character to be discussed is Abigail Williams. Abigail Williams is a manipulative character who would go to great lengths for the reward of John Proctor’s love. She says, ”I marvel  how such a strong man may let such a sickly wife be “(Act 1). Abigail accuses John’s wife of witchcraft in an attempt to eliminate her competition. Abigail is willing to discredit his wife to achieve her goal. This behavior reflects a focus on self-interest and the manipulation of others to fulfill her desires, characteristic of a pre-conventional mindset. The next character to be discussed who acts in a certain way to avoid punishment or receive an award is John Proctor. John Proctor states, “I speak my own sin I cannot Jude another I have no tongue for it” (Act 4). John Proctor demonstrates that he is a pre conventional character when he refuses to accuse somebody else. John would have committed a sin of lying and burning in hell, avoiding the question. The final character to be discussed is Thomas Putnam. Thomas Putnam’s statement, “You load one oak of mine, you’ll figure to drag it home” (Act 1). This shows he’s focused on protecting his stuff and avoiding losses. He’s threatening punishment to keep others from taking what he thinks is his. This reflects a mindset where personal gain matters most. It is evident that numerous characters in “The Crucible” behave in ways aimed at either avoiding punishment or attaining rewards.  

There are many characters who are conventional. Conventional is when a character behaves in a certain way to fit within a group, thus receiving group acceptance. To begin, the first conventional character is Ann Putnum. She demonstrated this by stating, “I knew it goody, Osborn was midwife to me three times” (Act 1). This quote reveals what lengths Ann Putnum is willing to go, eagerly awaited to fit within the successful women of Salem who were able to raise healthy children. Ann Putnum was envious of Rebecca Nurse, whose children were all able to live a healthy life, excusing her for the deaths of her children as an excuse. The next character to be discussed as a character who behaves in a certain way to revive group acceptances is John Hale. He illustrates this when he says, “I have seen too many frightful proofs in court the devil Is alive in Salem, and we dare not quail to follow wherever the accusing finger point” (Act 1). Jhon Hale, under pressure, lies, accepting the accusations and believing he is gaining acknowledgment from the court and all its allies. Following wherever they lead, aligning himself with the conventional views of the community. The concluding individual to be reviewed is Mary Warden. She utters this in the court scene: “I cannot lie no more. I am with God, I am God” (Act 3). Under immense pressure and feeling torn between telling the truth and conforming to the false accusations of witchcraft, joining the group of girls. These characters change their behavior to fit in with society. They accuse others or lie to be accepted, showing the pressure people feel to conform, even when it goes against what they know is right.   

And finally, there are post-conventional characters founded within the crucible. Post-conventional characters internalize a sense of right and wrong. They are confident in their values and beliefs regarding punishment. The first character to be discussed is Giles Corey. When Giles exclaims “more weight” (Act 3), he’s refusing to capitulate to the unjustified authority of the court and instead choosing death by stoning. This action reflects his loyalty to truth and integrity, even in the face of extreme circumstances and societal pressure. Giles Corey’s refusal to compromise his values for the sake of his own survival showcases. Another character who is confident in their sense of values and beliefs is Jhon Proctor. Jhon Proctors displays this when speaking with Jude Danforth: “I cannot mount the gibbet like a saint. It is a fraud. I am not that man” (Act 4). Proctor refuses to falsely confess to witchcraft, even though doing so would save his life. Instead, he chooses to uphold his truthfulness and refuses to compromise his principles by signing a false confession. The final character to be discussed is Reveron Hale. Hale declares, “I quit this court” (Act 3), leaving the court proceedings and abandoning his support for the witch trials. This action reflects his realization of the injustice of the trials and his refusal to be complicit in further wrongdoing. Prioritizing personal moral convictions over conforming to societal standards and authority figures. These characters stick to what they believe is right, even when others pressure them. They do not give in to unfair demands and will not support the wrong actions. These characters prove they have strong beliefs and won’t change them just to fit in.  

In conclusion, Kohlberg’s concept of moral growth, as seen through how characters perceive words in ‘The Crucible,’ helps us understand them better. It shows why people act the way they do in tough situations. By looking at how characters think about right and wrong, others will learn more about why they do what they do in the play. Kohlberg’s concept of moral development, as evidenced through the word perceptions in ‘The Crucible,’ serves as a valuable tool in enhancing the readers’ appreciation of the characters. The motives behind individuals’ actions when faced with complex situations and the details of human nature are shown in the play. 


Arts and Crafts 12

I can get new ideas in areas in which I have an interest and build my skills to make them work.

This project was about creating a shadow box. A shadow box is artwork—three-dimensional items and textured works of art. In past classes, I enjoyed using an exacto knife to cut straight lines, which was calming for me. This project was a bit of a struggle, as it was hard to cut around the curves of the outline. What helped me was using a ruler around all the curves, gently moving it around to cut on the line. In the end, this project was successful, as it was just how I imagined it to be. My core competency was thinnking, as it was hard to get a clean cut. Doing reassembly helped me find this method instead of freehanding it.


Math self Assessment

Self-Assessment Prompts

What is your strength in group work? How do you use this to actively contribute during group work activities?

Being able to communicate with others is a quality I bring to group work, as I make it a point to discuss approaches to mathematical issues with my group members. Even if there are moments when I don’t fully get what is being taught in class, it’s comforting to know that I can ask my group members to clarify any concepts I don’t understand. I participate in work activities by continually questioning about our work. This not only gets everyone in the group talking about the issue, but it also offers me an opportunity to understand the question.

what does it mean to be disciplined in math

Being disciplined in math means devoting all of your attention to figuring out and solving mathematical problems. It requires constant practice, patience, and time, as there are times when it can become challenging. A disciplined student would pay attention to details and how they could organize their work, which persists through mathematical problems. This means more than memorizing formulas; it also means developing a deep understanding of mathematical concepts, such as factoring algebra and quadratic functions, and the ability to use them effectively. As such, it’s important to be disciplined in math to succeed.


Anatomy And Physiology 12

Core Competency Self-Assessment

The picture shows a male fetal pig dissection. In this lab, our goal was to locate and learn the functions of different parts of the digestive system, such as the esophagus, gallbladder, bile duct, stomach, duodenum, epiglottis, salivary glands, and more. In this lab, I demonstrated communication competency as I and my partner had to collaborate with each other to locate different organs of the digestive system, which was challenging since the organs looked very different from the text books. My job was mostly the dissection part, making cuts on the ventral side. My partner focused on the light positioning and soaking up the fluids inside using tissue paper. The last step is to take out the entire digestive system. At first, it was easy. At the part where the large and small intestines are unraveling, it is difficult to disattach the serosa tissue that keeps the small intestine coiling up. I cut the tissue while my partner expanded it, so I didn’t accidentally cut off the intestine.

the picture bellow shows the dissected digestive system how long it was


Curricular Competency Explanation

Lab 20c included a type of technique called titration. A titration is a method used to find the particular concentration of a solute in a solution. It is a process used to find out how much solute is being used. For this lab, trituration was used to neutralize the solution by adding very carefully selected drops of the NaOH solution into the flask. The endpoint of a titration is when the color of the flask changes based on the indicator (phenolphthalein) which would turn a shade of pink when the base comes into contact with the acid. The finished result of the lab is when the HCL solution is a very light pink color, remaining for 30 seconds. We could tell that we had completed the lab when swirling the flask, and the light pink color stayed for thirty seconds. The initial volume was 0.01 ml +/- 0.05 ml the final was 14.1ml +/- 0.05ml. pictures down bellow

Core competency refection ( Thinking )

While performing this lab, it was a struggle to do all the techniques in order to get the stamp. In addition to the titration, we also had to complete a couple of skills tests in order to pass the lab. One involved using a pipette and being precise in both our handling and solution measurement. It was a real struggle to get the measurement right on point, as my thumb at that point was numb from forcefully plunging up the pipet using a suction bulb. The correct handling of full and half drips from our barrette to our flask wasn’t as stressful, but it did take a couple of tries to master the second skill set. The third involved washing out the edge of our flask with water and adding our drops at the conclusion of our titration. These skills really made me think about how we could complete this point of the lab.


Core Competency Self-Assessment

Critical and reflective thinking

During my time in leadership for this semester, I have volunteered for a couple events at and outside of school (Terry Fox Run Mundy, reading buddies, and school games). I have come to realize what skills and qualities I possess and those that I am lacking in. Qualities that I obtained during leadership were being an active listener. A successful leader should be able to give but also receive feedback. This is an important quality, as it is important to talk but at the same time listen to other options. This way, more thoughts are added together, giving a better result for the situation than one idea. Currently, I am part of the SLC Ambassador program, where groups are to come up with an idea to help our community. Me and my partner decided on doing the a career fair possible for our project, as it will be beneficial to those who struggle with future career planning. At the moment, it is still not garnered, but we have discussed the main problems and equipment needed for this event.

One of the qualities that I would like to develop is flexibility. To develop flexibility, one must know how to adapt and accept changes. Start by making a plan B for different situations and adopting a mindset that views challenges as opportunities for growth rather than obstacles. Practice stepping outside your comfort zone. Though I have not yet encountered a situation like this, I believe I would not be as helpful because these types of situations are more likely to stress me out. Another way that I can develop this quality is by volunteering for outside school events, as those are more likely to get into an unsettling situation. That way, I can get hands-on experience on how to solve an issue.

one important skill that all successful leaders should posses team building skills. it is an estal to have this skill because without a positive team that looks out for one another, identifying the strengths of individual team numbers. Individuals in a group are more willing to communicate honestly and collaborate effectively when they feel confident, connected, and aware of each other’s strengths and shortcomings. Through the promotion of friendships, team building exercises allows individuals to form relationships that go beyond their work responsibilities. This relationship creates deeper understanding, better communication, and a sense of purpose that is shared by everyone involved, all of which are necessary for productive teamwork. Additionally, team-building activities frequently emphasize the value of cooperation in general, motivating people to.

a skill that I would like to develop crisis management. to start understanding potential risk is vital to have a plan for other events. knowing how to stay calm and collective during these complicating times. A proficient crisis management plan gives stability in the face of unknown challenges by providing a way through unclear situations. It’s not only about taking action when necessary; it’s about preparing ahead of time and acting quickly and in concert. Efficient handling of crises requires logical decision-making, quick reactions, and a strong approach to accessibility. It is an equal amount of anticipation, awareness, and flexibility, showcasing an organization’s ability to bounce back from setback.


Core Competency Self-Assessment: Food Studies

Critical and Reflective thinking skills. In this class I made sushi for the first time. This lab was a challenge to me here I really had to demonstrate my critical and reflective thinking skills to figure out the issues while making the sushi rolls. From cutting the vegetables in a different style to making the sushi rolls it was not as easy as I thought it would be. I had two problem with the sushi rolls. Creating the rolls and cutting them, the rice is very sticky and while spreading it on the seaweed it would stick to my fingers. I was able to demonstrated critical thinking skills by soaking my hands in water to prevent the rice sticking to me, then later smoothing the riced on top of the seaweed. While cutting the rolls it would just all fall apart and almost everything would come out the sides, to prevent that from happening I pinched the sides together to add more strength inside the roll. If I were to make sushi again I would use the helpful tip that I found out about, before my failed attempts.


Core Competency Self-Assessment: food studies

critical-thinking communication abilities I showed my ability to communicate in class by offering to assist a fellow student whenever I could. I was quite nervous at first when I was around all of my new classmates, but now I feel more at ease. While I typically work with a collaborator in the lab, I prefer to be more independent when cooking or baking, so I never have to. I gained experience working with various people in these labs, but I still favor working alone.


eggs benedict

This is one example where I worked with my classmate to complete it. The ends result was delicious


Core Competency Self-Assessment

critical and reflective thinking

Should our criminal justice system promote punishment or rehabilitation? Our existing criminal justice system is built around rehabilitation. 46 years ago, Canada had the death penalty until 1976. There was a possibility that the government might have imposed a death sentence on an innocent man who had been falsely accused. Under no circumstances should a life be taken by the government. Our criminal justice system now prioritizes rehabilitation, with the goal of helping offenders change their ways and return to society.


Core Competency Goals

Having a positive mindset

My goal for this year is to have a positive mindset. I can have a happy outlook if I constantly remind myself to see the good in everything. When I think positively, I feel good within, which influences how I behave throughout the day. Because it can impact both your emotional and physical health, having a positive outlook is essential. Additionally, it could very well motivate you throughout the day. You need to take brief pauses throughout the day in order to achieve a happy mindset. Your mindset might be negatively impacted by stress over schoolwork, making you feel bad on the inside.

Working collaboratively with people I don’t know well,

My objective for this semester is to become a better group project participant by speaking more freely. I’ll be able to overcome my anxiety of speaking in front of strangers if I talk more. Everyone generally feels uncomfortable because most of us haven’t actually met. I want to come up with more effective strategies to ease the tension so that everyone feels more at ease and we can begin to talk about the project. by conversing with one another more regularly. because starting a group project with people I know makes me feel more at ease.

When I Need to Boost my Mood or Re-Focus I Step Away From What I’m Doing then Return

My objective is to avoid becoming very stressed out about a project so that I can continue to concentrate on what I’m doing, even though I am getting my work done and finishing everything on schedule. I will then take a break from whatever it is and take a few minutes to do something else before returning to the task if I can’t concentrate on it. I won’t overload my brain with information if I take a break to let my thoughts process it. I could, for instance, set a timer on my phone, pet my cat, or go grab something to eat.

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