My Digital Footprint

My digital footprint contains a photoshoot opportunity from a company called Tripple Flip. This information doesn’t hurt my chances of getting a job or applying for post-secondary, but this does show that I’ve had wanted to participate in photoshoots or something to do with photography. If I was going to apply for a job that wanted to see if I had any experience or if I took part in anything that’s related to the job, I might be able to get the job.

Describe three strategies you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe.

1) Keep personal accounts private: It’s important to keep personal stuff online private because anyone could see it even if they don’t know you, and you could risk random people on the internet seeing and looking at all your pictures and stuff that you’ve posted.

2) Don’t post anything you wouldn’t want a person who was hiring you to know about or someone of authority.

3) Don’t say stuff you can’t take back: It’s important to make sure you don’t say anything online that you wouldn’t say in person, because it can lead to things like job loss, fights, altercations and etc.

The information I would pass down to students is to never post things on social media that you wouldn’t mind everyone seeing, and to make sure that if you have a private account those privacy settings are working.


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