About Me

My favorite quote is:
“One of the lessons that I grew up with was to always stay true to yourself and never let what somebody else says distract you from your goals.” – Michelle Obama

Because it reminds me to not worry about what others are saying and to just focus on myself and my goals

My Favorite YouTube Video

i chose this video because it talks a lot about whats happening to our planet and how children are more worried then adults. it means a lot to me because i care a lot about the planet and the fact that us as humans have ruined it is saddening.

My Favorite Picture That has Impacted Me

this picture means a lot to me because i’m worried about the earth and how it’s warming and i think that its important to do things that will help the earth because its the only planet we have. it also hows how the earth is warming and all the ice caps are melting along with out planet. everyday animals go extinct, disappearing from existence.

My Favorite Website


Netflix is my favorite website because it has all my favorite shows and movies and when i get bored i can just go on Netflix and watch stuff

History of My Birthday

1833-A civil war breaks out in Spain between Carlists, who believe Don Carlos deserves the throne, and supporters of Queen Isabella.

1962-Canada launches its first satellite, Alouette 1.

My Word Cloud
