Industrial Revolution Project |ADL Component


Identifying a problem was certainly one of the more difficult aspects of this project. My topic did not have too many problems with it at the time aside from small design malfunctions and style. I took a look at jeans prior to Levi’s invention, and compared them in means of sturdiness and durability. I was able to identify a few problems that were rather minor, and one big problem that still has yet to be solved (water consumption).

Since I truly don’t believe jeans would change much in 50 years, it was difficult to come up with what they would be. In the end, I decided that the new jean design would be almost identical, with a few things removed, like the rivets and small inner pocket. It would be easy to change to this design, since it would only require the removing of a few unnecessary features. However, for the wacky jean designs (like the jeandals) it wasn’t very hard to think what they’d look like and how they’d make them since the base design already exists.

I was somewhat satisfied with the result of my design. I feel there could’ve been more creativity, but it’s tough considering most odd jean designs actually already exist. This especially true since jeans haven’t changed in hundreds of years, so it’s hard to imagine they’d change much now.

If I were to refine the assignment, I’d probably want to choose a different topic first, since my topic didn’t involve much creativity. I’d also do a considerable amount more research and get opinions on what they think jeans would look like in the future (for example, one website I visited suggested that jeans would be more green in the future due to cheaper dyes) and take those into account for my final design.


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