The Crucible

The purpose of this essay is to discuss the play, The Crucible. In particular, what will be discussed are the characters in the Crucible that behave in a confusing manner. These behaviours can best be described and understood by using Kollberg’s moral precepts for explanation. Specifically, Kollberg has three distinct descriptions of perspectives that are taken by individuals that motivate them to behave in certain ways. These three categories are factors that we consider when individuals decide to act in any given situation. If we understand the consideration and action, we will be able to achieve a better understanding.

There are many examples within the Crucible that are pre-conventional. Pre-conventional is when you behave in a certain way to obtain reward and avoid punishment. To begin, Tituba is a pre-conventional character. Tituba is suspected of witchcraft and is forced to commit to a crime she did not commit as Parris declares, “I will take you out and whip you to your death.” She realizes that she must confess, otherwise, she would be whipped to death as punishment. Thus, through the fear of being killed, Tituba confesses to witchcraft. Another example is Abigail Williams. Abigail behaves in a way that allows her to obtain a reward. She fancies John Proctor and wants to be with him; however, John does not accept their relationship as he has a wife, known as Elizabeth Proctor. When Elizabeth mentions to John, “she wants me dead John, you know it!” it is evident that Abigail would resort to anything in order to reach her goal, which would be to eliminate Elizabeth from the picture to have John for herself. This is demonstrated when Abigail frames Elizabeth of trying to murder her. The final example is Betty Parris. After Abigail, Tituba, Betty, and the girls are caught in the woods dancing, Betty pretends to faint. She chooses not to wake up to avoid being questioned and punished for dancing in the woods with the other girls. When Abigail tells Betty to wake up while the adults are in the room, Betty does not move an inch and remains unconscious, however, once the adults leave, Abigail once again demands Betty to wake up, “Now, Betty, dear, wake up now. It’s Abigail. I’ll beat you Betty!” in which Betty does wake up. This action of hers showcase that she acted the way she did in order to avoid getting into trouble. You can see from the examples provided that many characters in the Crucible act ways to avoid punishment and obtain reward.

Furthermore, there are many examples in the Crucible that are conventional. Conventional characters behave in a way that shows they want group acceptance. They want to fit into a particular group. The first example is Mary Warren. Mary is a conventional character as it is evident when she is at trial with John, Abigail, and the girls. Initially, Mary tells the truth, however, Abigail begins framing Mary of witchery by she copying whatever Mary says. The other girls soon follow Abigail’s lead causing Mary to cry out, “Abby, I’ll never hurt you more.” This demonstrates that Mary wants to fit in with the other girls and in order to do that, she starts to lie. Another character that wants to be accepted by a group is Elizabeth Proctor. Elizabeth wants to fit in with the group of good Christian woman. When John mentions, “that woman will never lie,” it indicates to the readers how much she wants to be seen as a respectable and a good Christian woman, as there is no way a person has never told a lie unless they forced themselves to act this way. And the final example is Tituba. When Reverend Hale tells Tituba, “You would be a good Christian woman, would you not, Tituba?” it allows readers understand that Hale is pressuring Tituba comply with the expectations of what a good Christian woman should be. He is implying to Tituba that she should act as she is expected to which is being obedient. This demonstrates that Tituba confesses in order to fit into the group of a good Christian woman. You can see from the examples provided that many characters in the Crucible show a real desire to be part of a group.

Finally, there are post-conventional characters in the Crucible. Post-conventional behaviour is when you have your own individual sense of values and ethics. Those values and ethics cannot be influenced by reward, punishment, or group acceptance. The first post-conventional character is Giles Corey. Giles is found in contempt of court because he is refusing to give the name of the man that told him Thomas Putnam is killing his neighbours for their land. Giles states without hesitation “more weight” when he is being tortured due to refusing to give up the witness’ name. And despite being on the verge of death, he does not give up the name of the witness as he believes that it is the right thing to do. The next character that has an individual sense of values and beliefs to be discussed is John Proctor. John signs his name, however, after signing his name, he immediately rips up his confession when he hears that it would be put up on public display, stating, “say what you will, but my name I cannot sign.” John realizes that he cannot confess and ruin his name as it is all he has, so he chooses to die. And finally, John Hale. Hale feels guilty and he wants to correct his mistakes, so he deicides to return to Salem due to feeling responsible for that has happened. He tells the others, “God damns a liar less than one who gives his life for pride” as he is trying to convince people to lie to save their lives. In the end, he quits the court and chooses to give up everything that gives him power, status, and prestige because of what he believes in. You can see from the examples provided the many characters in the Crucible are confident in their rights and wrong.

In conclusion, it is evident that Kollberg’s moral precepts have been a valuable tool in allowing the reader to achieve a better understanding for characters in the Crucible. It has also demonstrated why individuals behave the way they do when faced with certain situations. These precepts outline the basic motivation behind people’s actions and are organized in three ways, pre-conventional, conventional and post-conventional. These 3 perspectives are demonstrated in the Crucible when the character’s actions reflect on these perspectives. The characters either act in ways to avoid punishment and obtain reward, for group acceptance, or they act in ways based on their own individual sense of values and ethics. By understanding the reasons of why the characters act the way they do during certain situations, we will be able to achieve a better understanding of them.

Pre-Calc 12 Desmos Self-Portrait

As Conics was our last unit for Pre-Calculus 12, instead of taking a paper exam, we were tasked to create a self-portrait in Desmos. For this assignment, we were required to implement 2 circles, 2 ellipses and 1 hyperbola, and then we were free to use various functions that we had learned throught Pre-Calc 12 to create our self-portraits.I first started out with my face shape as having done my face shape first has helped me outline where my other features, such as my eyes, eyebrows,ears, nose and mouth would be placed. For my face, since my face isn’t completely round, I decided to use an ellipse as i felt like it was most similar to my face shape. I used the formula: (x-h)^2/a^2 + (y-k)^2/b^2 = 1. After my face shape was complete, I then started working with my hair. For my hair, I first decided to add my side bangs first. As my bangs are not that noticeable and they part to the side instead of straight down my face, i decided to use radical functions and inverse it for the slight wave in my bangs. I did this by using the formula: y= a (√ x – b) + c. Afterwords, I graphed my nose by using a hyperbola with the formula: (x-h)^2/a^2 – (y-k)^2/b^2 = 1. After graphing the hyperbola, I added domains and ranges so that my graphing lines would match up with my pictures, which i used as a reference when doing this assignment. By adding domains or ranges to these functions, I am able to control how far or wide my function would be drawn. I then graphed my eyes by using ellipses and circles. I am able to show my expanded level of learning my adding small details in order to enhance my features further such as adding another pair of circles to show my eye’s pupil and also added earring to my ears. I also tried to show my expanded level of understanding with my ears as I feel like the ear shape I graphed above identifies with me better than graphing half circles for ears. Overall, although this project took a lot of time with experimenting with different functions and inputting different values into these variables, I found this conics assignment to be a fun and great project to end the course.

Desmos Self-Portrait Link

Anatomy and Physiology 12 Core Competency Self-Assessment

Photo above is the Diffusion “Sausage” Lab


For this lab, I was able to demonstrate the skill, communication, because it was an important element of this lab, as well as any other labs conducted. Collaboration and communication were critical in this experiment since this lab could not be completed by a single individual. For example, my partner and I allocated duties so that we could make use of the time we had. By providing roles, we were able to finish this lab with a bit of extra time, allowing me and my partner to discuss the lab questions together. We were able to succeed in this lab because we listened to each other and shared ideas. To improve for the next time, I would want to discuss possible roles with each other, look over the materials and questions a day ahead of time, and begin working on the lab right away, allowing us to make the most of the time we have, and focus solely on the lab without worrying on how much time we had left.


During the process of this lab, a few strategies that I used to solve a problem I faced was simply asking my peers for help. As I sometimes have a hard time remembering stuff, I was not able to remember what tools the teacher used in this experiment. However, I was able to move past that smoothly as I asked the group working next to me for help. By doing this, I wasn’t wasting any time trying to figure things out myself. For next time, something I would do in order to improve would be taking a video of the procedure when the teaching is demonstrating how we would do the lab as it would help me remember all the steps accurately, allowing me to do my best in these labs.


During this lab, I as able to support my peers as whenever they had any troubles or came up to me and my partner for help, we tried our best to help them. By doing this, I was able to strengthen my relationship with my peers which also encouraged me to ask for support to my peers if there is anything that I needed help with. in order to improve for next time, I would try to pay more attention and to remember what I am doing so that I can help my peers with confidence.

Pre-Calculus 12 Core Competency Self Reflection

This semester for Pre-Calculus 12, I thought about the problems via viewing videos uploaded by my teacher, participating in board work with our classmates, and working on my workbook problems. I was able to answer the mathematical problems given above by using what I learnt in class. Thinking back on difficulties I’d handled in the past, I attempted to see if there were any connections that I thought might apply in the unit. This allowed me to address these difficulties with certainty and ease. Also, by drawing connections, I was able to identify any similarities between the units and apply what I had learned in earlier units to this one. Furthermore, I would want to improve my critical thinking skills in mathematics by supporting people in need and having a personal goal that I can strive toward.

Connecting Media and Psychological Disorder Mind Map Reflection

Core Competencies

For this project, I was able to demonstrate my ability to analyze evidence and make judgments because as I was reading over our notes on this subject I was able to decide on what I should do for this assignment. While going over the notes for this lesson, I recognized that the song “Breathe Me” by Sia would be a good fit for the theme, and because I’m also a music student, I had a clear understanding on what this song was attempting to portray. The image above showcases that I can form new ideas to create new things as well as showcasing that I can also build on the ideas of others. For instance, after I decided to complete this assignment by involving aspects of music into it, I then started looking of google images to get inspirations on the format and ideas that I could include in this project. And by looking on Canvas, I was had a clear idea on the format of my project, which helped to complete my assignment in ease. Furthermore, while working on this project, I was able to show that I could develop a body of creative work over time as I also strayed from my original idea and implemented some ideas that randomly popped up in my mind as I believed that this project could also benefit from me being a bit for creative. By doing so, I believe I created my project to the best of my abilities.

Choir Reflection

Communication Competency Reflection

Looking at how much effort the choir had put into rehearsing so that this concert might run as smoothly as possible, I realized that when faced with communication challenges during our choir rehearsals, I learned that the best thing to do is to ask for help. Asking for help is really crucial while performing in an a choir since we must sound as a group rather than as individuals. As Well As if people do not seek assistance when they are in need, it will have an impact on the entire choir. Thus, as a result of my choir experiences over the previous several years, I’ve learned to ask for help whenever I need it with my part in choir, and I’m no longer reluctant to do so.

Being involved with my fellow choir members for our previous concert, I contributed to our success by attending all planned practices as well as extra flex and CENT Time practices. By doing so, we could ensure that we were all confident in ourselves, which made me feel more at ease as our performance days approached. We were also able to develop our collaboration and cooperation abilities by continually communicating with one another.

Furthermore, I was able to grow as a person since the feedback I received following the choir performance influenced my growth by highlighting my strengths and weaknesses. Knowing what I needed to focus on let me to make better use of my flex and CENT time. And by doing so, I was able to broaden my mind by constantly striving to do better rather than simply focusing on what I do well, which overall helped me grow as a person.

Research Assignment Reflection

For the research assignment, I demonstrated a core competency in the collaborating aspect. “I work with others to achieve a goal.” During this assignment, we were tasked form a group of 4 members, create a hypothesis, and create around 5 questions in Microsoft Forms in order for our peers to answer. We were assigned to think of 5 questions that related to our hypothesis to prove whether or not our hypothesis would be accurate or not. While we were working on our 5 questions, we all had to contribute our ideas in order for us to create questions best fit for our hypothesis. Our group had a bit of trouble thinking of questions however, after discussing each of our ideas with each other, we were able to figure out with 5 questions would be best to add to the forms.

For the collaboration core competency, I showcased that I work with others to achieve a goal by using our time wisely and conversing with each other frequently, as well as using flex time to work more on our project, with allowed us to complete the assignment successfully and on time.

English First Peoples 11

My Writing

Page of my graphic novel revision of the play “Where the Blood Mixes” – Kevin Loring

Core Competency Reflection

In general, when I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I usually go on short walks or take a little time to rest. Something that has significantly helped me in boosting my mood was listening to something in the background. For example, putting on my earbuds and listening to music or movies, and doing my work have boosted my mood as well as helped me re-focus on my task. I don’t know why but listening to movies in the background while doing my work helped me finish my work. I think I work better with some sort of background noise because I get sleepy often, and listening to something has significantly helped me stay awake.

For this assignment, one strategy or activity that stimulates my imagination is re-reading the text of the pages I was assigned to illustrate for a graphic novel revised from the play of Kevin Loring’s Where the Blood Mixes. Reading the text multiple times has helped me with my imagination, helping me with how I plan to draw out the scenes.

Some of my preferred strategies for maintaining a healthy, balanced lifestyle include knowing when I should take a break. Taking a break is important to me since it helps me rest, and think about what I should do next. If I go on without taking a break when I need it, I end up not knowing what to do, and my mind goes blank. Taking a break has helped me refresh my mind and helped me maintain a healthy, and balanced lifestyle.

My Goals

Going forwards, I hope to learn more about the indigenous peoples in more detail. This semester, by completing the tasks and assignments, I was able to achieve good grades by consistently attending class on time, and putting in a lot of effort in my work, such as doing my assignments to the best of my ability that I could do. I am proud of the work I have done and achieved in this class and plan to continue this work style in the future.

Year-End Concert Reflection

This year’s year-end concert went pretty well. Although there were a few small problems along the way, I felt like we were able to work it out pretty well. I really enjoyed this year’s, year-end concert as I loved all the songs we performed from both groups: Concert choir and Vocal Jazz. Out of all the songs we performed, my personal favorite is definitely “Fields of Gold” from Vocal Jazz and “Espiritu De Dios” from Concert Choir. I thought “Fields of Gold,” was one of our bests songs from Vocal Jazz since I had a lot of fun learning this song with my classmates and I felt like the harmonies were really good as well could hear each part: Sopranos, Altos, Tenors, and Bass. For Concert Choir, “Espiritu De Dios” was my favorite for me since this song was also one of my favorites to perform. I felt like this song highlighted each part: SATB pretty well. I’m proud of everyone, especially our fellow Choir students who received an Award during this Concert. I had a lot of fun during this year’s music course, and although it’s sad to say goodbye to my classmates who are graduating, or leaving, I look forward to seeing how the music department will progress in the near future. I’d like to thank my classmates and Ms. Zraly, our choir teacher for making this year so enjoyable!