In this excercise, we found that the likes on TikTok closely resembled the laws of Benford and showed that there was a much more abundant amount of numbers beginning with one and that it decreased exponentially from that point. I chose this data set as it was fairly easy to collect, I simply scrolled through thirty TikTok’s and recorded the amount of likes present. After this, I used commands off of excel to find the first digit of each number and turn them into percents, this allowed me to compare it to benfords law. Despite my findings which accurately represents how the likes of tiktoks relate to Benfords law, I found that there were no sevens present within my data sheet. According to benfords law, I should have seen ~6% for my “seven” data. This could be simply explained through the fact that I only scrolled through thirty tiktoks. This means that I would have a smaller amount of data to pull from disallowing any chances for seven to present itself. Benford’s law has many different types of uses, namely, this law is used to identify any fraudulant activities such as money laundering, election fraud, and detecting any anomolies where numbers are naturally developed. We can do this by doing the same methods shown above where we compare the percent of benfords to the percent of the first digit of these numbers, if any massive discrepencies are established, this is a tell-tale sign of fraudulant activity. Lastly, we use logrithimic functions for benfords law as the probability of each number is growing exponentially and rarely stay constant. Using logs, we can predict the next numbers through mathematical calculations.