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Advertisement and Persuasion

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Persuasion and Advertisement Techniques

What you see here, is our advertisement for our joint company “Vans x Jordans”. It’s intended for people who may be shoe collectors, maybe even people that have been waiting for this collaboration. This advertisement starts off with a drop to capture your attention, next we have a slower spin with the cinematic light; this allows you to admire these shoes, after, we have the flashing of the shoes to, again, capture your attention, thereafter we have different shoes at a slower spin to, once more, appreciate the shoes and make you “fall in love” with them, finally a black screen with our slogan and brand to finally let you know who we are. This will invoke a “wanting” feeling and make you stand out from other people, which will lead to you buying this shoe. Us not putting lots of information was intentional, as this will make people put more research into this company which will lead to them telling their friends about it, which will maximize profits.

Core Competency Reflection

I can identify my strengths and identify my potential, this was quite simple for me knowing I have previous filming experience and the best camera I immediately stepped up to record.

I can give feedback/ideas to progress in my goals, I gave many ideas to the editor, lighting, and angles, knowing this was the only way I could progress in my goals; my goal being to get the best possible commercial.

I recognize different points of view and can disagree respectfully, as the videographer, I must listen to my group’s ideas and either veto their recommendations or incorporate them with my end goal.

I can collaborate, I had no trouble with this because, as the videographer, I did all of the recordings and gave an abundant amount of ideas to the editor.

Published inADLCore CompetenciesGrade 9

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