The Cousins: The Movie

My Movie

Plot, Character, Setting and Mood

I figured out what my character looked like because her cousin describes. I chose those plot points because I found them easier to answer. Setting in Story’s can be hard to find but I found the setting of my story because it ended up telling where it was set, but if you can’t figure out the setting you can look for cities and locate the country. Mood means what the characters in the novel / movie are feeling in that moment or how people are feeling if there are multiple people inside the room, I chose that music because it fitted the novel the best since the book was more mysterious and calmer in a way.

Core Competency Reflection

Personal Awareness and Responsibility:

I can need to boost my mood or re focus I tend to take a small break to clear my mind and start fresh.

Creative Thinking:

An example of where I built upon someone else’s ideas is when I can ask for an idea and slowly change that idea into something more, I usually ask for an idea and then add things to it or take out the things that wouldn’t fit the theme that I’m going for.

Communication Prompts:

Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen in group discussions or group projects, I sometimes pitch ideas to others in hopes that they can use that idea or turn it into something better.

Learning the scientific method: Self assessment

this picture shows me and my partners egg drop challenge device

Curricular Response

both challenges improved my understanding in the scientific method because i learned how to to identify problems just by using observations. My partner and i for our egg drop challenge device tried to make a box with a parachute so that the egg inside wouldn’t break but because we didn’t cover the egg properly when we dropped the device the egg ended up breaking . these 2 challenges helped me understand the scientific method more because when we were learning about the challenge we learned more about using experiments to test out a hypothesis. The challenges also taught me more about inductive learning and how to observe problems using observation.

Core Competency Self Assessment and Creative Thinking

Im proud of the egg drop challenge because we both decided on what to do and how we were going to build the device, even though the egg didn’t survive a lot of communication happened between us 2.Using inductive learning to observe problems helped get over some challenges, for example when we realized something we were going to do in our final build wouldn’t work we had to switch that part out and think of something on the spot. I demonstrated that i can create new things when I think about it hard enough or when i take something i’ve already done and then build off of that idea.


My Digital Footprint: Keeping Myself Safe

Creating a Positive and Safe Digital Footprint

Core Competency

I know that my digital footprint can have both positive and negative consequences, including having my account open so I adjust my actions to put my account on private.

I think my experiences as a digital citizen, such as Tik Tok influenced my choice of course/hobbies/ teams because i find that watching some videos on Tik Tok can give you some fun things to do or try out.

Some of my preferred strategies for maintaining a healthy, balanced online presence include setting a timer on my apps.

Works Cited

“TikTok App Safety – What Parents Need to Know.” Internet Matters, 10 June 2022,