Comparative Cultures Mid-Term Assessment


Above is a presentation on Babylonia. I did this presentation with three other group members. I had the work well and plan who was doing what and make sure they were on track with things. We all worked together and made sure we had lots of information to show while presenting. While presenting we had to make sure that everyone knew what part they were presenting and how to pronounce complex words and names from Babylonia.During the assignment while identifying the causes and consequences I think I had a bit of a harder time identifying some on the causes. While identifying the consequences I think that I was proficient in finding lots of examples of consequences

Social Studies 10 Reflection

Socials Refection

This year I think that I did very well doing the on the world war one trench letter. I thought this because I got a 19\20 on it. I also think that I wrote it very well and it was realistic. while writing this I figured out how nice my life is and how free Canada because of the soldiers that sacrificed themselves on the battle field.

letter from the trenches.docx

I can get work done to a good level

I can put effort into assignments

I can write a letter from a perspective different than mine

I can come up with good ideas that fit into the project and work well with the project

Math 10 FPC Self Assessment

I think I progressed in the course when I was able to do well. I showed this when i did well on tests and worked on homework. I think I improved on my word problems because I could find what I was looking for but in math 9 I did not so that was something I improved on during the semester. Some areas I still need to work on for next year is my work habits.

Some goals I set for myself were getting a passing grade and I met this goal. Another goal I had was to learn some more of the exponents. Before this class I did not know what to do with a cubed number. But after this course I did. I also learned how manage my time better to do home work. for example I was busy one night when I had homework. So I did the homework during the school day before I got home.

One thing I think I did better this semester was being able to manage homework from all the classes. I can use this in my next math course or any course by using my time management skills I learned in this course.

no I don`t think I have any questions about the course.