Posts Tagged ‘#PersonalSocialCC’

Choir Edublog Post


In the wise words of Ethan McCafe “This year I was sigma!!!”, aside from the fact that I didn’t do any reflections. I also didn’t try to get any solos until the last concert.

Over time, I have learned to make choices that align with the choir’s goals and my vocal aspirations, as seen in my decision to attempt to blend more with my peers rather than try to make my voice stand out more. last year I tended to want to stand out more failing to realize that choirs sound best when they sound like one voice.

Within the choir community, I recognize my potential as a leader. This became evident when I joined Music Council. Unfortunately I did not end up doing much in Music Council but I will aim to volunteer more.

I prioritize my vocal well-being by consistently sustaining a healthy and balanced vocal lifestyle. This includes drinking silly drinks that help clear my throat. I also don’t practice metal screaming (unlike SOMEONE).

Final Concert Reflection

Just imagine him playing clair de lune while reading this

also i put an audio file of clair de lune below just for funzies.
I feel that the concert went fairly well all things considered. I’m pretty sure I smiled and moved a lot more than the last few concerts which is good however I’m not sure if I sang all you need is love very well. Voice Dance turned out surprisingly well considering it was a mess until the last few days before the concert. All You Need Is Love existed which was bad and a few people’s mics were K E R F U Z Z L E D. as per usual I was very worried about looking soulless while performing. All You Need Is Love also happened which was no good, terrible, rotten, boring, annoying, stupid, vile and woeful. Hanbin and Sophie were good in it though. I really enjoyed the jr band’s performance of Never Gonna Give You up and the senior band’s performance of various Smash Mouth songs and Don’t Stop Me Now. I also enjoyed their performance of Beyond The Sea with Katrina soloing. Sharif and Sabrina also did a really good job mcing unlike me last concert.


I hate doing these so much

I think I have demonstrated good communication through the way I moved while performing. I also feel that I have improved the way I move to express certain emotions while performing.

The image above conveys how dead inside I look during most concerts and events involving choir. This was not the case during this last concert as you can see in the image below.

Math 9 Identity Project

Most of the things i chose were because they were things i enjoy such as art, music and video games or things that are generally incorporated in the way I act in my day to day life like comedy and socializing.

Total area = 125.55c

Head = 17.55

Arm 1 = 12.75

Arm 2 = 12.75

Torso = 37.5

Legs = 45

I calculated the percentages of the body by measuring squares around the different parts and calculating the area. Then I added the squares to calculate the total area then I calculated the percentages of the individual body parts by dividing their areas by the total areas, multiplying by one hundred and heavily simplifying the answer.

Science 9 Competence Reflection

Featured Video Play Icon

A R T I F A C T… wow

Core Competence Explanation.

My artifact is the mitosis stop motion video I made. It is a bit rough but I like the little organelle goblins I made. I feel that I have communicated the metaphase and anaphase well through the designs of my little organelle goblins and how they move in the video.

Creating a Positive and Safe Digital Footprint

My digital footprint: Keeping me safe

Internet safety is important because if you’re not careful you could be at risk of losing a potential job, getting stalkers or even identity theft. some examples of unsafe activities include posting inappropriate pictures or comments, disrespect copyright laws, and posting your name or where you live. some steps you can take to stay safe online are encrypting your network by buying a VPN, never sharing personal data on public WI-fi, and checking your privacy settings.

Personal/Social Competency Reflection

Some of my preferred strategy for maintaining a balanced online presence is not posting on social media at all. Except for THAT ONE TIME… WE DON’T TALK ABOUT THAT ONE TIME.

I make digital ethical choices such as asking myself if i should comment in a post in order to keep my digital footprint clean. The answer is usually no.

I think my experiences as a digital citizen, like watching YouTube videos influences my choice of hobbies because sometimes I see something cool like a guy sculpting Shrek on YouTube and my monkey brain is like OH, COOL THING, WANT TO TRY and sometimes it turns out to be something i enjoy. I haven’t tried Sculpting Shrek


Hickey, Chelsea. “Teenagers: Why You Should Care About Your Digital Footprint.” Social Media Club, 22 May 2013,

Protecting Your Online Identity and Reputation (for Teens) – Nemours KidsHealth. Accessed 26 Sept. 2022.

Sheikh, Sumbul. “5 Steps to Protect Your Digital Footprint Online.” Starthub Post, 29 June 2022,