SJ Midterm Reflection

Core Competency Reflection
I am clear on the difference between simple “group work” and collaboration as evidenced by me helping disperse important information between the slides after we all made ours. For example, many slides had the same information, so we had to spread it across the slides as to not repeat ourselves.
I seek, develop and weigh options as demonstrated by where I helped disperse the information across the slides. For example, the wide impact section originally summarized the Report a second time but was edited to remove some minor information to be kept in the wide impact section, while a lot of unneeded information was cut out of the wide impact section.
I want to start building off of other people’s ideas to be a better collaborator.
An example of where I built upon someone else’s ideas is…
I want to improve this because I want to create better projects by incorporating more perspectives on what would make it better. I will attempt to do this in future projects.