Natural Selection Critical Thinking Self-Assessment

In this picture, students are trying to pick up spaghetti with different utensils to see which is most effective.

I demonstrated that I can collect and analyze evidence during these labs when I observed the tests happening and recorded the evidence using the data provided. In the first lab, I have observed how many pieces of liquorish in this case were grabbed in the given time for each different background and recorded the data coming to a conclusion for each surface.

I demonstrated that I can connect evidence I collected to big ideas such as in the feeding frenzy lab, I had observed the group using the different utensils to get food and concluded which ones were more effective. I connected that with the big idea of the theory of evolution in that organisms that can’t get nutrients due to their genetics, won’t be able to survive and therefore will go extinct.

I demonstrated that I can make prediction based on evidence during these labs when for instance in the second lab on the tests of different utensils for different foods, I had predicted per say that the spoon would be more effective for picking up granulated sugar then a broken fork would be. This prediction would ultimately be true obviously but it shows that I can make an educated prediction based on the evidence presented.

I demonstrated that I can draw reasoned conclusions when in the first lab, I had concluded that the pieces of liquorish picked more frequently would be determined by the colour of the background for example, red would be more visible on a black surface then a black piece and visa versa.


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