Core Competency Self-assessment

Artifact: NOTE TAKING As a chemistry student, my note taking skills are vital for understanding and applying course concepts. I analyze the content from lessons to organize my notes and make connections between topics. Reflecting on feedback from my peers, I’ve improved my notes by using colour coded sections, diagrams, … More Core Competency Self-assessment

Spoken English/New media end of semester reflection

In this assignment I made character collages for all main characters from the book Fahrenheit 451 that we read in class. This project required a lot of creative thinking, as I had to connect every part of the collage to the character somehow. I didn’t include any pictures of the … More Spoken English/New media end of semester reflection

Textiles reflection

Share the experience of critical/reflective thinking for your artifact (Consider strategies you used to solve a problem while working on your project, how you used feedback to improve, how researched about what was needed for your project, and what you would improve on for next time). In this project I made a button up shirt using a … More Textiles reflection