March 31

Interview Essay

My Paper

The Writing Process

Writing this essay was pretty easy for me. I live with my mom and she’s always open to talking about her past experiences with me. However, she works full time and can be pretty exhausted when she gets home so finding the right time to sit her down and interview her for an hour, I guess you could say was a bit of a struggle. I enjoyed learning about this trip. It was super interesting and I would love to experience something similiar to what my mom did. I would’ve asked a few more questions so I could make my essay a little more detailed and maybe had a few more people proof read my essay so I could perfect it. Overall, I’m pretty happy about how my essay turned out and I think it captured my mother’s story pretty well. 🙂

Core Competency Reflection

One stratergy or activity rhat stimulates my imagination is going over my work. I read over my essay numerous times and re-listened to the voice recording of my mothers interview to make sure I didn’t leave anything out.

I appreciate feedback on my essay, and would like it to be in visual form. I am a visual learner and like when things are right in front of me.

Some short term goals I have for myself are being able to take feedback. I often think I’m always right and get defensive when someone tries to correct me. I am working on this because I know it will help me for many things in the future.

To celebrate an accomplishment such as, writing a good essay, I celebrate by noticing the good things I did and remembering to do it for next time. Also, taking note of the things I need to work on to make my next essay even better!


Posted March 31, 2022 by Anaka in category Core competencies, English 11, Grade 11