June 12

Cooking at home #7

For this weeks cooking at home assignment i decided to show you something i do everyday in the kitchen, which it make breakfast. I usually have pretty simple breakfasts so making breakfast was pretty easy, the only challenge I had was remembering to make breakfast everyday. Some days I sleep in really late so I kind of miss the opportunity to make breakfast and some days I’m just too lazy. To help myself remember this week I set an alarm in the morning to remind myself to.

May 11

Cooking at Home #4

For this cooking at home assignment I made brigadeiros! Brigadeiros are a brazilian dessert made with cocoa powder and condensed milk. My mom has made them a couple times before so I thought I’d try it myself. I used a recipe for this. If I was to make this again I would use different types of sprinkles instead of just vanilla ones. Rolling the brigadieros was a bit tricky because they kept sticking to my hands but it wasn’t that hard to get around. I am proud of myself for making this successfully and how well it turned out because I was a bit worried that I would burn the mixture.


April 28

Cooking at Home #2

For this lab I decided to use what I already had. Yesterday my mom and I made tortellini for dinner, there was leftovers so I added some tomato sauce and melted shredded cheese over it. It was definitely better then it looks.

February 27


During this lab we made oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. It was our first lab and it went well. Our measurements were good except for the fact that I dropped the oats on the tray. They were cooked really evenly and were delicious. The challenges were probably trying to make the cookies the same size when we balled them up and put then on the cookie sheet, but in the end they all turned out relitively the same size. Communication was a bit of a struggle because we all were still getting used to the kitchen and the equipment. Sometimes we would forget where things were or forget who had to do what steps but we tried our best to figure it out. Communication is important for labs because if you don’t communicate well, sometimes the lab might take longer then expected or you might forget some steps. In order to have good communication you have to make sure that when you are confused about something, you ask a question and don’t just expect the other group members to figure it out and if you notice someone doing something incorrect, you correct them.

February 13

Most Memorable Food Experience

My most memorable food experience is when I made chocolate Brigadeiro’s for my Spanish class. Brigadeiro is a Brazilian desert made with condensed milk, cocoa powder, and unsalted butter. They’re rolled into balls and sometimes covered in sprinkles. I made them for a Spanish project where we had to make food and write about it. This was most memorable to me because it was the first time I made something new by myself. It was sticky and hard to work with but in the end they turned out really good and my class loved them!