Core Competency Goals

  • Having good attendance.
  • Creating new relationships with people.
  • Having good grades, at least surpassing B+.
16 Best Graduation Speeches That Leave a Lasting Impression | Teen Vogue
  • Some of my preferred strategies for maintaining a healthy, balanced lifestyle include…

Having a healthy, balanced lifestyle is very important since it helps me with everything, especially in school, some of my preferred strategies are getting at least 8 hours of sleep, so ill be able to attend school since I won’t feel drained, when feeling stressed about something I always reach out to someone to talk about which makes feel better after I have talked to them, having a schedule where I know when I can rest and when I should start doing work helps me a lot.

  • Some of the ways I work to build and maintain relationships are…

How I build and maintain relationships is through communication, I’m an introverted person so reaching out in person might be hard for me, but through social media, it’s easier since I’m not talking to the person’s face to face, I can also find things I have in common with them through social media. By doing this when its time to talk face to face I won’t feel awkward and therefore I could have created a new relationship.

  • My strategies for collecting relevant information for specific tasks include…

Some of the strategies that I use to collect information are, asking people around me for facts that they know about the specific topic I’m looking for. A very important strategy is looking into it on the internet. While looking into it could be directly searching it up, some other ways are, for example, surveys and interviews. By doing all of these I’ll get the information I need for specific tasks, the more the information the better since I gain more knowledge.


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