I’ve learned about reading, writing, and creative thinking throughout this course. We mostly focused on reading and creative thinking by reading and analyzing the stories from the book. I also learned a lot about writing during the unit of poetry. I’ve learned about many different types of poems and how it works.
Core Competencies Reflection
My personal/social grew the most throughout this course, because I recently had one personal activity that made me think back to myself and gave a little flashback. This made me think about my point of view.
How would you describe your personal identity? How is it similar or different than that of people around you? I would describe myself as engaging person, which is similar with other people around me.
I can initiate actions that bring me joy and satisfaction and recognize that I play a role in my well-being. I know what to do to recognize what role I should be in.
After I finish drawing, I usually ask the teacher if I should add more to the drawing. I also ask If my drawing looks good, so the teacher tells me if something is wrong with my drawing.