Chapter 1 Edublog


During the units of learned so much about what pre cal has to offer. The unit I understand most has to be decomposition. For me it is very easy and I am comfortable doing it with any kind of difficulty. Hardest part of the chapter is 1.6. I understand the simple question but once I get to more of the advanced ones I struggle. Practicing that more before the test would really benefit me. The more I study for a hour each day helps a lot then me not studying at all. In that hour I review question I have done already and the ones I need to be able to do better. To perform at my best for the next unit test I need to start study everything I don’t get. That I have an equal understanding of everything in the unit. I have already completed the assigned work book question that means I can go right ahead and study with no work left.“I persevere with challenging tasks and take ownership of my goals, learning and behavior”. What this quote means I can get threw the challenges this course will hit me with. When that happens I will try my up most best to persevere to get the job done and not give up.


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