Projet d’affiche de film

Mon affiche

Core Competency Reflection

Some things I think about before dividing tasks among group members include……Before splitting up tasks, I try to think about what each person is good at and what they enjoy doing.Islay is good at drawing so she decided to draw a picture of Remy, and Emi is good at explaining things in frenchso she rote the ”resume”(summary). I also try to make sure the work is divided fairly so no one feels like they’re doing too much or too little. Another thing I consider is time,if someone has a busier schedule, I wouldn’t want to give them a bigger task that takes too long.

I respectfully advocate for my needs by…..If I feel like I have too much on my plate because of my extracurriculars like work or hockey, or I’m struggling with something, I try to speak up and let my group know in a respectful way. I’ll say something like, “Hey, I think I might need help with this part” or “Would it be okay if we switched tasks?” instead of just staying quiet and stressing about it. I also make sure to listen to my group members if they have concerns too because teamwork is about making sure everyone feels comfortable. If I need extra time or clarification, I don’t hesitate to ask.

A goal for myself

One goal I have for myself is to stay organized during group projects by keeping track of tasks and deadlines. I want to make sure I know exactly what needs to be done and help my group stay on schedule.

Core Competency Self-Assessment



Cutting open an earthworm shows that I can collaborate because my partner and I worked together to ensure precise incisions. To make incisions my partner made sure the earthworm was steady as I cut through the half of the earthworm. A part of this assignment that I found difficult was making sure we didn’t accidentally remove the aortic arches because they are hard to see to the naked eye. I also gained knowledge of where certain body parts were and practiced taking them out and labeling them.

Monopoly Assignment Reflection

Grade 11 Core Competencies

  What core competencies did you demonstrate with the Monopoly Assignment?    What core competencies did you demonstrate with the Monopoly Assignment?  

I demonstrated how I can resite what we learned in psychology using colors and examples of behaviours.I feel I was creative when I made my chance cards and when I drew examples on my board.

Connecting Media and Psychological Disorder Mind Map

Core Competency:  What competencies did you demonstrate with the Connecting Media and Psychological Disorder Mind Map Assignment?

I can persevere over time to develop my ideas, and I expect setbacks and failure, but I use that to build my ideas. During this project, I found it complicated to relate the lyrics from ”This is Me Trying” to a disorder but when I analyzed the song I realized it was more about sadness and needing approval.

Five Feet Apart: The Movie

By Avanni

My Movie

Plot, Character, Setting and Mood

Explain how you figured out what your Avatar would look like.

I figured out what the characters looked like because in the book the characters were described well enough, so I had an idea of what they looked like.

Explain what you know about figuring out setting in a story..

In the novel, it explains that all the characters are in Saint Graces hospital, and when they leave the hospital, they are still around it meaning that they are outside or by a pond

Explain what the word mood means in literature and movies. Why did you pick the song that you picked?

The mood is a feeling that can change the way the reader/audience views the book/movie. The mood can be changed by the weather, the music and the filters. For example, if you were watching a horror movie and there was no sound it would be immensely less scary because there isn’t sound to build up the mood/atmosphere. Music, filters, and weather are very important factors it makes up the mood of the book/movie.

Core Competency Reflection

When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I listen to music. Listening to music helps me escape reality and get lost in another world, it helps me re-focus when I have something important to do like homework or if I need to study it blocks out background noises and helps me block out distractions. Listening to music even makes a small task more enjoyable. Some of my favorite artists are Lana del rey, The Weeknd, Drake, Taylor Swift, Rihanna, and Lil Uzi Vert.

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