Mon affiche

Core Competency Reflection
Some things I think about before dividing tasks among group members include……Before splitting up tasks, I try to think about what each person is good at and what they enjoy doing.Islay is good at drawing so she decided to draw a picture of Remy, and Emi is good at explaining things in frenchso she rote the ”resume”(summary). I also try to make sure the work is divided fairly so no one feels like they’re doing too much or too little. Another thing I consider is time,if someone has a busier schedule, I wouldn’t want to give them a bigger task that takes too long.
I respectfully advocate for my needs by…..If I feel like I have too much on my plate because of my extracurriculars like work or hockey, or I’m struggling with something, I try to speak up and let my group know in a respectful way. I’ll say something like, “Hey, I think I might need help with this part” or “Would it be okay if we switched tasks?” instead of just staying quiet and stressing about it. I also make sure to listen to my group members if they have concerns too because teamwork is about making sure everyone feels comfortable. If I need extra time or clarification, I don’t hesitate to ask.
A goal for myself
One goal I have for myself is to stay organized during group projects by keeping track of tasks and deadlines. I want to make sure I know exactly what needs to be done and help my group stay on schedule.