I am from Poem


Curricular Competency & Content Reflection

I talked to my grandparents for the part about him escaping the war in Hong Kong and it was very sad because most of his family died. I feel bad and he gets sad at the topic and he never gets sad so that is how I know it means a lot to him and should be in my poem. When I went to my grandmothers house we went to Church and then we went to a mall which had won ton noodle soup and always got it after with rice noodles. It was tradition basically because before I was in school I was usually there and spent a lot of my time there. We always painted, baked or worked in the garden together after. Before my mom and dad had me they went travelling a lot and that is why we were born later than a lot of kids but there are many memories they share that makes great conversation.

Core Competency Reflection

I can ask and respond to questions to be an active, supportive listener. When my grandparents and parents told me their stories I listened well so I can make sure to put real information and not make it up. I made sure to ask questions so they know I am listening and being polite.

I can tell what is important to me and I can explain my values. I tried putting the most important things of what I learned from my familied history. I explained all of my best values in my poem so it gets our the best details.

I can ask open-ended questions to gather information. When I talked with my grandpa I first asked him what I was curious about and he explained what I needed to know and I asked more questions beyond that.

I can form new ideas to create new things. I can also build on the ideas of others. I was so stuck on the poem the first few days but I started to look at others poems and I started to get an idea without copying anything

SS9 Industrial Revolution Reflection Post

Curricular Competency & Content Reflection

Our class were in groups and had to create a plan for a second Earth. There were five components, Capital, Labour force, Raw Materials, Transportation System and Market Economy. On our earth we had a trade system with other planets, jobs for a currency, domesticated animals, solar pannels, police and military system, government and materials to build. I would not change anything but I would add a schooling system for a better future, which will make people more inspired and make the new comings of our planet better.

Core Competency Reflection


The ways I communicate at school differ from how I communicate at home. At school when I am doing work I have my working mindset on, I am focusing and trying not to think of things I will do after school or other things either than the class I am in. I communicate with my peers to get what I need if I am confused or need help. It is important to create bonds so it is not awkward and easy to ask anybody.


If there is a disagreement within the group, I find it helpful to try and break it up or think of other ideas to use. Sometimes its better just to agree to disagree and ask a teacher. Usually I never get disagreements mostly I am easy going with my group unless we are not getting anything done, then it is a problem. It is easy to resolve problems if you do it without a fight.

Personal Awareness and Responsibility Prompts:

When I need to boost my mood or re focus, I take a break from work. You can not always be in a working mindset and everybody needs breaks. If I am working always I get headaches and I get scared about the work. When I am on a break I watch a show or do deep breathing or go for a walk.

Social Awareness and Responsibility Prompts:

Some of the ways I work to build and maintain relationships are hanging out once in a while, going on facetime calls, texting and buying stuff so they know I care. I have a lot of friends so sometimes we hangout as groups so we can all bond together. I meet most of my friends at school, work or social media and I like to make sure all my friends have a good influence on me.