Math Self Assessment

Core Competencies

What is your strength in group work? How do you use this to actively contribute during group work activities?

I am good at talking to people. I can get along with group mates so we can all understand each other. I ask questions and I try to understand more by asking questions. I should improve by asking more questions and the teacher if I do not understand because sometimes I am too shy.

How do you prepare for a test? Does this seem to work for you? Are there changes you need to make to ensure your are successful?

I usually watch videos on YouTube with a summary of the topic in case I forget to do a step and I do extra homework questions. I do not think it works because I still get bad marks on my tests. I think I might need to study more or practice more because I forget a lot easily.

Edu blog Self Assessment

Curricular response

I think my partner and I’s prediction is good was accurate. We guessed that because our teacher gave us some hints and we were thinking how the balloon affects it. I think the balloon filling up helped and the mass of the experiment.

I can analyze evidence to make judgements, my partner and I watched the experiment and thought about ideas before writing them down. We took a video so we could analyze further and researched a little.

I use evidence to make judgements or decisions as demonstrated in this by coming up with a prediction from the experiment and coming up with a guess of what would happen.