Life saving measures

One main takeaway that i learnt from the cpr lesson is that cpr can be constant and can last up to 3 hours. This involves alot of cardio and strength because you are going for so long. Its like a complete workout. Another takeaway i learnt from cpr is that it is better to break their chest then to not push that hard. I had no idea that its better off breaking their chest because i thought it would instantly kill them. Something important i took away from the naloxone is that its portable. I think that this can help with my life for when i go out and walk around downtown and people are unconscious. This could definitely help people in my community.

Critical and Reflective Thinking Competency Reflection

I can analyze evidence to make judgements. 

I can analyze and act upon my instinct to know when to make the right decisions. This relates to my life because i have done this before. For example, when i saw my grandpa was having chest pain i called 911 and they walked me through what to do. I am a person who acts upon their instincts and make the right decisions based on evidence.


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