My city

Me and Max chose and designed this city based on a sports city. This city is extremely helpful for athletes and people trying to be healthy/fit. This city has 7 buildings. Small blue one is the electronics, Green is like an airport, but for helicopters. This is how everyone gets to this city. Pink is for the office building where people make the city happen. The yellow one is where employees make food and do all the dirty work (wash dishes, wash sheets, wash clothes etc.) The tall glass building is for straight walking transportation. The tall building with all the windows are where all the athletes live. And the tall big blue building is for running and sports stuff. And finally the block glass building is a simulator that includes every sport and cross country etc. That is our city creation.


Our original plan was followed and we followed criteria really good. We equally participated. We built the city on We had no disagreements towards this city. We combined our effort and came up with this great idea. We were off task a couple of times but stil pulled through with this project. Our project deadlines were a bit off but we had no computer for atleast half of the classes. Next time i cloud have used the class time a bit better so we could hand this in on time. I am very happy with this project.