Life saving measures

One main takeaway that i learnt from the cpr lesson is that cpr can be constant and can last up to 3 hours. This involves alot of cardio and strength because you are going for so long. Its like a complete workout. Another takeaway i learnt from cpr is that it is better to break their chest then to not push that hard. I had no idea that its better off breaking their chest because i thought it would instantly kill them. Something important i took away from the naloxone is that its portable. I think that this can help with my life for when i go out and walk around downtown and people are unconscious. This could definitely help people in my community.

Critical and Reflective Thinking Competency Reflection

I can analyze evidence to make judgements. 

I can analyze and act upon my instinct to know when to make the right decisions. This relates to my life because i have done this before. For example, when i saw my grandpa was having chest pain i called 911 and they walked me through what to do. I am a person who acts upon their instincts and make the right decisions based on evidence.

What strategies did I start with?

When we played guess who I picked the questions that were removed than most people. For example, I asked questions like, ”are you a boy or a girl?”.

How did those strategies change?

To be honest there wasn’t really a change in my strategy. I kept a safe and steady strategy to prevent losing badly. I also started taking fewer risks near the end.

Were my new strategies successful?



Because i never took a huge leap and stayed safe. I had no surprises and was ready for the outcome.

Were there any patterns that helped you during play?


Are there ”rules” you can generalize to someone to do well at this game?

yes, dont focus on the ”out of the ordinary” facial features as one of your first questions.

Interview essay

The writing process

In this essay, i learn to once again never judge a book by its cover because you never know what is going on with someone else. I also learned that a lot of my classmates are from different parts of the world which is cool. I encountered difficulties with reaching out to my grandfather and having a conversation with him due to his old age. If i were to do this again i would talk to someone who can explain things better and have multiple meeting times.

Core competencies reflection

I show others that I truly value their contributions by… being quiet and staying off my phone.

· I show that I value feedback from others in my group by… tell them it’s a good idea.

· If my partner is not productive, we can …. in order to get things moving in the right direction. we can take a break

· When I need to work collaboratively with people I don’t know well, I… talk to them

i will work on…… When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I by putting my phone away

My digital footprint

My name is not that easy to find. I keep my name pretty private and i dont like random people being able to look up my name and for my instagram to pop up. That’s why i keep my instagram account private. When i searched my name up all i could find is my very old Youtube channel and my Roster for Team bc lacrosse and a newspaper witch i was in for scoring a hat trick in a gold medal game. I also found a lacrosse team site called the West coast woodsmen. I play for that team so i was able to find some images of me playing lacrosse there. But overall it was very hard to track down my Digital Footprint.

If i had my account on public for instagram, you could find a few pictures of me, and tagged posts i’ve been in. So even if my friends account was private and they didn’t want to be seen by the public but they tagged me in a post, not only am i being ”endangered my the internet trolls” i’m also endangering my friend. You can also find the posts i’ve liked, the people i follow, the people that follow me, the things i post on my story, and what i’ve commented on peoples posts. So that’s why i like to keep my account private.

The team the play by play was for
My merchandise for Woodsmen
The roster that came up
The picture that i found me
Instagram where everything can be found out about you
The newspaper where the play by play and picture of me was