Core Competency Reflection: My Favourite Science 9 Activity

Building a Fruit Battery

This is an example of what a fruit battery is.

Core Competency Reflection

I used critical thinking in this lab. I used it in many ways like when it wasn’t working I figured out that I have to put the metal strips diagonal not straight up. I made sure I used the feedback I got, like if my teacher told me I was doing something wrong I would fix x it until I got it right. Something I would do to improve next time, is to make sure that I 100% know what I’m doing so I don’t mess anything up.

Core Competency Self-Reflection



I communicate clearly and purposefully using a variety of forms appropriately. This project contained communication because we had to communicate to each other by asking where we should take the pictures and what we should write/what verbs we should use. A challenge I personally encountered when working on this was figuring out when to use he, they or we because we didn’t have a he in our group and we didn’t take a picture with both of us in it so we had to figure out a way to use them. I learned how to communicate in a new language.

Spanish Speaking Country

Comparison to my home country

Traditional foodAjao, Caldillo de Congrio, Carbonada, Cazuela Nogoada, and Chapalele,Poutine, Maple Syrup, and Salmon
Sports/athletesFootball/soccerHockey and lacrosse
LandmarksAtacama Desert and Valle de la lunaCn tower and Peggys cove
Holidays/traditionsNavy day, Feast of Saints Peter and Paul, Assumption, National Unity Day, All Saints Day and Immaculate Conception.Cottage Culture, Beaver Tails and St Jean Baptist
Music“Maldigo Del Alto Cielo”, “Notion”, “Mon Amour”, “Hasta la Raiz” and “Anti Rana”“That’s What I Want”, “Heat Waves”, and “Bad Habits”.

Core Competency Reflection

I ask and respond to questions to be an active, supportive listener. I work with others to achieve a goal. I can show a sense of accomplishment and joy. I take pride in my work and myself. I advocate for myself.

Hunger Games Persuasion Project

My Advertisement

Persuasion and Advertisement Techniques

Our project is supposed to persuade people into buying our jacket. It is also supposed to keep the. buyer(s) warm and dry. The types of persuasion techniques we used were, logical and emotional. I think its those two because our ad is to sell a jacket that keeps you warm and dry. The reason I think its logical, is because there’s a reason to it, to wear it and keep yourself warm and dry as said earlier. The other persuasion technique I think we did was emotional because, you most likely don’t wanna be waling around in the pouring rain or snow without a jacket, and if you do you will be soaking wet and cold, which the jacket avoids. The types of advertisement technique I think we ended up doing was, card stacking, because we kind of made it a scam by only saying the good sides of it and no bad sides, like maybe that, some people will find it uncomfortable, we didn’t add any downsides to persuade people into buying it. We added a picture in the background because it suits what he add its about. We also made the writing colours a theme of blue and white so it would also suit the theme because personally when I think of cold and winter/rainy days I imagine the colour blue and white, and those colours also just match the theme.

Core Competencies

If there is disagreement within the group, I find it helpful to talk it through with the whole group to figure out something everyone agrees with. I also find it helpful that you ask your group questions before you do something to make sure everyone already agrees.

I appreciate feedback on my work and prefer it comes in a respectful way. If someone gives me feed back in a rude way, I most likely won’t want to fix the thing, but if its in a respectful way, it will make me want to do it how others will attract to it, or so it is correct.

Some things I think about before dividing tasks among group members include, making sure everyone gets an even amount of work and making sure everyone gets something they wanna do or they’re interested in/in doing.

I respectfully advocate for my needs by asking my peers and making sure I understand what they mean before they leave to do something else, and making sure its correct before I completely finish.

Meal Planning Assignment


who will make dinner, when it will be, and how it will work around the family of 4 busy schedule.


Mackenzie’s work: 

Monday night:  

Who will cook? Parent A because they have more time than parent b  

What recipe will they cook? Ginger Glazed Salmon which makes 4 servings and takes 20 minutes. Leaving parent B lots of time before going to fitness. 

What part of the recipe will they cook? They will cook the whole recipe as there are only 4 servings, 1 serving per person.  

What time is dinner? Dinner will be at 5:30 when parent B gets home. 

Friday night: 

Who will cooki? Parent A and Teen 2 will cook together so Teen 2 can have a chance to cook.  

What recipe will they cook? Spaghetti and meat balls takes 45 minutes to cook 

What part of the recipe will they cook? They will cook half of  the dinner because the whole meal makes 8 servings so if we cut the ingredients in half, we will get our 4 servings enough for the family. 

What time is dinner? Dinner is going to be 5:45 15 minutes after parent B gets home.  

Cassidys work: 

Thursday night:u 

Who will cook? Parent A because after a little bit they can make it in time for it to cool and it will be done by the time parent B comes home.  

What recipe will they cook? Black bean tacos because it only takes 15 minutes and makes only 4 servings so nothing will be left over.  

What part of the recipes will they cook? Keep all the portions the same because it makes exactly 4 servings.  

What time is dinner? 5:20-5:40 because parent B gets home at 5:30.  

Ava’s work: 

Tuesday night: 

Who will cook? Parent B they get home before parent A leaving more time for them to eat and cook 

What recipe will they cook? Vegetable Pad Thai it takes 35 minutes with 6 servings. 

What part of the recipe will they cook?  

All of it because it is easy to make and has a lot of servings, and with the 2 leftovers the parents will take to work for their lunch. 

What time is dinner? 5:30 is when dinner is. 

Lyras work: 

Wednesday night 

Who will cook? Teen 1 is going to cook as they get home first.  

What recipe will they cook? Chicken noodle soup 

What part of the recipe will they cook? It makes 6 servings and with the 2 extra servings teen A and teen B are going to take it to school the next day for lunch.  

What time is dinner? Dinner is going to be at 6pm because everyone is home after 5:30 letting them have a nice family dinner that is not rushed  

A new recipe – pasta with meatballs (Mackenzie) 

Ingredients for Meatballs (makes 22-23 meatballs): 

  • 3 slices of white bread, (crusts removed), diced or torn to pieces 
  • 2/3 cup chilly water 
  • 1 Lb lean ground beef, (7%-15% fat) 
  • 1 Lb Sweet Ground Italian sausage, casings removed 
  • 1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese, plus more to serve 
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced 
  • 1 tsp sea salt 
  • 1/2 tsp black pepper 
  • 1 large egg 
  • 3/4 cup all-purpose flour, to dredge meatballs 
  • 3 Tbsp Light olive oil to sauté, or use vegetable oil 

Ingredients for Sauce: 

  • 1 medium yellow onion, (1 cup chopped) 
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced 
  • 56 oz crushed tomatoes, (from 2 – 28 oz cans) 
  • bay leaves, optional 
  • Salt & pepper, to taste 
  • 2 Tbsp basil, finely minced* 

Other Ingredients: 

  • 1 Lb spaghetti 

Can serve up to 8 people 



I think it will work well because we made sure each thing that was made wasn’t at the same time of any activities. We all made sure everyone agreed on what to make that day.

Collaboration Reflection

We distributed the work throughout our group by having each person oversee each day. 

We used our technology by making sure each person had a device to use, we used our phones, laptops, and iPad.  

We all contributed in our own ways, lyra and ava each did one day of planning meals and checked off and made sure we had each question answered. Cassidy made up a plan on how we were going to present it and what the family would eat for a day, she also typed out some of the work. Mackenzie and Cassidy produced another meal and found a recipe for it, and Mackenzie planned two of the days and wrote out some of our work. 

We choose this way of doing it, and why these people would be cooking, and what time dinner would be each night because, it made the most sense to have it work around the busy schedule. 

About me

My Bio

hi my names cassidy, i’m in 9th grade and this is my about me blog 🙂 i do competitive cheerleading, i like animals especially cats, dogs, pandas, ferrets and bunnies. some words to describe me are, energetic, forgettful, funny, and talkative. a goal i have for myself is to stay focused. tings that help me stay focused are fidgeting with things, like my pencil, or my jewlery if i wear any. i also like to music while im doing my homework to stay focused.

Favorite picture

this is my favorite picture because its my cat Hudson. ive had him for three years now. i got him in august 2018 and his birthday is may 27

Favorite video

the video wont come up but its a video of ferrets and the video is called “Ferret Dancing | TikTok compilation #4 From @friendlyquest”


A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing. — George Bernhard Shaw
