Everything Is OK by Debbie Tung
In this graphic memoir, Debbie outlines her struggle with anxiety and depression. She shares what its like to live with; chewing over all kinds of “what ifs”, feeling hopeless and struggling to keep her head above water. Sometimes it can feel so overwhelming that she finds it difficult to even get out of bed in the morning.
Through the lens of acceptance, Debbie embraces her mental illness and comes to the realization that it doesn’t need to define her. Although positive thinking is difficult for her, she works on it, and day by day she makes those small steps needed to help alleviate her pain.
This very personal story from Debbie is uplifting and encouraging, and I would highly recommend it to anyone struggling with anxiety and/or depression. I loved how the illustrations went from blue-black on her bad days to splashed with colour on her good days.
Debbie Tung is an author, comic artist and illustrator. After receiving her Master’s in Computer Science and getting a job as a programmer, she decided to change paths and pursue her dream of being a full-time artist. Debbie lives with her husband and son in Birmingham, England.